1970’s / 1980’s / 1990’s / 2000’s / 2010’s / 2020’s
1970 Volleyball
Volleyball 1970
Row 2: K. Clark, A. Mills, P. Gilchrist, G. Emery
Row 1: L Cowan, C. Pearson, Mr.P. Harris, B. Drake, G. Wong
Volleyball 1971
The squad was G. Wong, P. Gilchrist, C. Baker, S. Reid, L. Cowan, E. Willis, and P. Knox. Playing in a newly constituted local competition of ten teams with especially hard games against O.B.H.S. the team performed consistently well to win.
Row 1: G. C. Wong, E. M. Willis, L. R. Cowan.
Row 2: S. G. Read, P. W. Gilchrist, C. D. Baker, P. A. Knox.
Volleyball 1972
No photo
The squad this year was R. Sutherland, G. Kindley, R. Smith, P. Stringer, M. Knox, P. Foster, 0. Gibbons, R. Carter and P. Neilson.
Volleyball 1973
No photo or team list
Volleyball 1974
No photo or team list
Volleyball 1975
Row 3:G. Hargreaves, P. Brown, C. Stephen.
Row 2:· N. Stephen, T. Piho, G. Laws, R. Wilden, G. Dragunow, C. Mowat.
Row 1: Mr. W. Turnbull, K. McManus, H. Leckie, M. Oark, P. Ritchie, B. Wolf, Mr. R. Baker.
1976 Volleyball
Row 2: M. Edgar, R. Wilden.
Row 1: B. Wolf, T. Piho, C. Stephen, Mr P. Gilchrist, R.C. Dickson, N. Birch, W. Koh Ching.
1977 Volleyball
Row 2: M.R.Edgar, Mr. P.Gilchrist, P.J.Notman,
Row 1: A.C. Brocklebank, G.N.Clark, T.Piho, C.B.Wolf, P.F.Hynes, G.C.McAuley.
1978 Volleyball
Row 2: P. Fogarty, W. Bowen, W. Butler, G. McKinlay,
Row 1: G. Clark, P. Hynes, Mr. R. Baker, S. Clark, D. Hay.
1979 Volleyball
Row 2: M.R. Edgar, Mr. P.Gilchrist, P.J. Notman,
Row 1: A.C. Brocklebank. G.N. Clark, T. Piho, C.B. Wolf, P.F. Hynes, G.C. McAuley.