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1970’s   /   1980’s   /   1990’s    /   2000’s   /   2010’s  /  2020’s


1970 Volleyball


Volleyball 1970

Row 2: K. Clark, A. Mills, P. Gilchrist, G. Emery

Row 1: L Cowan, C. Pearson, Mr.P. Harris, B. Drake, G. Wong


Volleyball 1971

(Mr P. Harris)
The squad was G. Wong, P. Gilchrist, C. Baker, S. Reid, L. Cowan, E. Willis, and P. Knox. Playing in a newly constituted local competition of ten teams with especially hard games against O.B.H.S. the team performed consistently well to win.
The New Zealand Secondary Schoolboys’ Tournament in Wellington produced dis¬appointing results with the team rather unsettled.
One problem faced with this new sport is the varying quality at interschool level but this should be overcome with wider acceptance of the sport.

Row 1: G. C. Wong, E. M. Willis, L. R. Cowan.
Row 2: S. G. Read, P. W. Gilchrist, C. D. Baker, P. A. Knox.


Volleyball 1972

No photo

The squad this year was R. Sutherland, G. Kindley, R. Smith, P. Stringer, M. Knox, P. Foster, 0. Gibbons, R. Carter and P. Neilson.


Volleyball 1973

No photo or team list


Volleyball 1974

No photo or team list


Volleyball 1975

Row 3:G. Hargreaves, P. Brown, C. Stephen.
Row 2:· N. Stephen, T. Piho, G. Laws, R. Wilden, G. Dragunow, C. Mowat.
Row 1: Mr. W. Turnbull, K. McManus, H. Leckie, M. Oark, P. Ritchie, B. Wolf, Mr. R. Baker.


1976 Volleyball

Row 2: M. Edgar, R. Wilden.
Row 1: B. Wolf, T. Piho, C. Stephen, Mr P. Gilchrist, R.C. Dickson, N. Birch, W. Koh Ching.


1977 Volleyball

Row 2: M.R.Edgar, Mr. P.Gilchrist, P.J.Notman,
Row 1: A.C. Brocklebank, G.N.Clark, T.Piho, C.B.Wolf, P.F.Hynes, G.C.McAuley.


1978 Volleyball

Row 2: P. Fogarty, W. Bowen, W. Butler, G. McKinlay,

Row 1: G. Clark, P. Hynes, Mr. R. Baker, S. Clark, D. Hay.


1979 Volleyball

Row 2: M.R. Edgar, Mr. P.Gilchrist, P.J. Notman,
Row 1: A.C. Brocklebank. G.N. Clark, T. Piho, C.B. Wolf, P.F. Hynes, G.C. McAuley.

1970’s   /   1980’s   /   1990’s    /   2000’s   /   2010’s  /  2020’s

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club