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The 2024 Annual Dinner

(Photos by John Barr)

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The 2024 Annual Dinner

This year’s Annual Dinner was rather special – over 70 Kingsmen and partners attended it. A rather different but well-presented Scottish “Grace” was given by Mark Scott before we collected our meals from the buffet service.

The highlight of the evening was the recognition of the 1974 Football Team. This team was the last school team to win the prestigious Fletcher Cup. Several members of the original team were present at the dinner. Gareth Laws gave a full rundown on the team’s achievements.  Gareth also read up the names of the King’s High School football “Dream Team” as selected by our experts Gareth, Jim Muir and Darren Munro.  Chris George announced the person who entered the closest match to the selected team. The winner was Barry White. You can view all of this in the video below

We were fortunate to have three of our five King’s Wall of Fame inductees present at the dinner – Graham Marshall, Tim Hazledine and Alan Sommerville. Chris George conducted an interesting interview with Graham Marshall. Graham certainly had a very extensive and rewarding football career. You can view the full video of the Wall of Fame Ceremony and the interview with Graham in the Videos below.

Chris George interviews Graham Marshall

Gareth Laws and the 1974 football team – Dream Team selection.

The before dinner “Grace”

King’s High School – Wall of Fame Assembly 2024 (youtube.com)

The Kingsmen Beliefs

King’s High School Old Boys’ Association, established 1939, believes that every old boy has something to contribute to his school and to others who are sharing the King’s experience.

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club