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1970’s Third Forms


1970 1971 19721973 1974 19751976 1977 19781979


3F4 – 1971


Row 4: Ron McFadyen, Brett Whelan, Chris Nicholson, Danny Van der Wende, Kevin Semple, David O’Brien, Mark Pearson
Row 3: Alan Powell, Gavin Weastell, Peter McLean, Tim Markham, Martin Wells, J. Michael, Gordon Twaddle
Row 2: Bruce Jackson, Steve Kennedy, Peter McNaught, Phil Jones, Mark Littlejohn, D. McGregor, Trevor Jordan, David Wray
Row 1: Stan Shieffelbien, Graeme Young, Paul Newall, Coen Kramers, Mr. Arnold Anderson, Neville Lane, Eric Lewis, B. Rusbatch, Paul Stringer

3L – 1971


Row 4: Roderick Dickson, Jim Ballantyne, Michael Pairman, Pat Guley, Mark Holmes, John Morton, Kevin Kwok, Wayne McLachlan
Row 3: Gordon Cambridge, Geoff Stoddart, Micheal Johnson, John Peacock, Graeme Stuart, Ron Wieringa, Brian Dow, Lindsay Campbell
Row 2: Lindsay Bell, Brett Walker, Paul Clough, Peter Brown, Roger Bannister, Simon Wright, Jeremy Van de Bund, Gareth Laws
Row 1: John Joyce, Grant Cameron, John Fluitsma, Peter Connor, Mr. Walter Bloomfield, David Brownlie, Michael Sinclair, David Sloper, Neil Stephen
If you have a copy of missing photos or names please email to barrnone@xtra.co.nz
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1970 1971 19721973 1974 19751976 1977 19781979

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club