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1970’s Third Forms


1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979


3L 1972

3L 1972

-Row 4: Murray Wilkinson, Graham Muir, Glen Sammes, Ian Gaudin, Nicholas Jones, Jeffery Amas

Row 3: Michael Knopp, Gerald Graham, Guy Houston, Ian Lord, Phillip Griffiths, Martin Smith, Graham Crimp

Row 2: Philip Cowie, Neville Standring, Ian Booth, Mark Reddington, Roger Edie, Douglas Tombs, Jeffery Patton, Alfred Schinkelshoek

Row 1:  Peter Hay, Stephen Langley, Mark Scales, Colin Stephen, Mr Baird, Grant Leishman, Terry Pairman, Graham Roberts, Craig Mowat

Absent:  Peter Adams, Ray Adams, Bevan La Hood

If you have a copy of missing photos or names please email to barrnone@xtra.co.nz
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1970 1971 19721973 1974 19751976 1977 19781979

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club