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1960’s Third Forms


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1960 1961 19621963 1964 19651966 1967 19681969


3AL – 1963


Row 4: Bill Findlater, ????, Graeme Gibson, Brian Norton, Russell Paterson, John Cox, Rewi Wong, Robert Pearson, Bryce Jack

Row 3: Doug Forster, Greg Carden, Alan Foote, Alan Ferguson, Ian Rive, ????, ???, Bill Purdie

Row 2: Malcolm McGoun, Peter Shore, Peter Hazledine, Alan Sargison, ????, Malcolm Ferguson, Warren Moore, Gordon Spittle, Jim Roberts

Row 1: Peter Hawkhead (Standing), Neil Morrison. Stewart Wilson, Steve Ovens, Mr Rod. Williams, Howard Johnston, David Benson Pope, Geoffrey Wingham, Max Carnegie, John Milburn

3AG – 1963


Row 4: ? Parata, Russell Hinsley, , ????, ????, ????, ????, ????

Row 3: ????, ????, Craig Scott, N.P. Blondall, , , Richard Moreti, ????, ????

Row 2: ????, ????, Alistair Waugh, ? Gilchrist, John Black, ????, Graham Anderson ? Collet, ???/

Row 1: ????, ????, ????, ????, Watt< ????, ????, John Winchester

3BG – 1963


Row 4: ????, George McKnight, Wayne Deuchrass, Peter Freeman, Kevin Jackson, Bryan Amyes, ????

Row 3: G. Boomer, Wayne Coomer, Robin Bradfield, Brian Gooch, John Fitzgerald, ????, Philip Sue, David Frater

Row 2: Robert Blondell, John Burridge, David Stent, S.H. Hollis, David Jensen, Francis Parker, Jeremy Edbrook, Winston Darling, David Peacock

Row 1: ????, ????, Gary Woods, Mr John Mieklejohn, ????, B.S. Thomas, G Mooney, Robert Webster


3BL – 1963


Row 4: Doug Leggett, David Vercoe, John Innes, Bruce Wood, Ian Dewdney, Tony Mearns, Denis Fergusson, ????,

Row 3: Gary McAlpine, John Hannah, Murray Reynolds, Murdoch McLennan, Walter Prictor, Geoff Smith, Lyn Mazey, John McGregor

Row 2: Warren Edin, Gordon Letham, Stuart Melville, Ron Tomlinson, Elliot Hudson, John Cushen, Bevan Coombes, Rodney Duncan, Peter White, Paul Rowe (standing forward)

Row 1: Bill Sommerville, (standing), Ken White, John McKay, Alan Ferguson, Mr Bill Patterson, Ken Churchill, Peter Espie, Ross Jenner, Philip Lindroos

On roll but not named: Doug Cameron, Garry McAlpine, John McKay, Murdoch McLennan, Lyn Mazey, Jeff Silvester, Malcolm Whitfield.

3C – 1963



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1960 1961 19621963 1964 19651966 1967 19681969

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club