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1970’s Third Forms

1970 1971 19721973 1974 19751976 1977 19781979


3F1 – 1975


Row 4:

Row 3: ???, ???, A.E. Crack, ???, ???, D.J. van Zanten, ???, Gary Porteous, ???

Row 2:???, ???, ???, Gordon R. Cessford,

Row 1: ???, A. James.R. Sneyd, ???, ???, Mr Douglas Lockhart,


3F2 – 1975



Row 4: Chris Hollick, Craig Walker, Brent Fraser, Mark Townsend, Simon Hartley, Matt Lunam, Michael Ward, Ian Smyth

;Row 3: Randy White, David Dodds? , Robert Tromop, ? Armstrong, Steve Graham, Wolter (Ray) Dassen, Garry Gibb, Robert McIntosh, Geoffrey Webb

Row 2: Stephen Galbraith, Mike Reid, Derek Metzger, ??? , Neil George, ???, ??? , Geoffrey Thompson, ???

Row 1: Murray Pascoe,  ??? , Greg Downie, Mike Morris, Mr Steve Armon, George Thomson, Greg Sloper, Dave Cross, Graham Carter

3G1 1975

Row 3:

Row 2: ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, B.P. Jordan,

Row 1

3G4 – 1975


Row 3: Greg Semple, Alan Williams, Lloyd Brown, John Armishaw, Stuart Kent, Brent Ross, Russell Troy, Alan Marr

Row 2: Bobby Rackley, Paul McMurray, Graham Hodge, Brendon Grass, Tony Ede, Shane Campbell, Robert Blakley, Alan Kilpatrick

Row 1: Andrew Johnston, Paul Callaghan, Norman Carr, Ronald McKay, Mr Frost, Leslie Kirby, Garry Butterfield, ??? , Mark Gilmore


If you have a copy of missing photos or names please email to barrnone@xtra.co.nz
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1970 1971 19721973 1974 19751976 1977 19781979

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club