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Wall of Fame


King’s High School Wall of Fame
2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
2023 Wall of Fame

Peter Adams, Ivan Donaldson, Al Meder and Rector Nick McIvor

Ivan Donaldson – Business

1955 – 1959

Ivan was a King’s pupil from 1955 to 1959. After becoming King’s Co-Dux, Ivan went on to graduate with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Otago in 1965, and to pass the examinations of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Royal College of Physicians (UK) and to ultimately train in Clinical Neurology in Christchurch, Auckland, and London. He was awarded an MD in 1976 for work done on brain neurotransmitters and motor activity while in London.

On returning to Christchurch, Ivan joined the University of Otago’s then University of Canterbury’s School of Medicine, becoming Associate Professor, consultant neurologist, and head of the hospital’s Neurology Department.

Ivan oversaw the strong development of the neurosciences in Christchurch, while continuing to research and publish in his field, particularly on the subspecialty of movement disorders. He collaborated closely with colleagues at the Institute of Neurology in London and was the major contributor to a seminal tome on this subject.

Ivan was involved in the establishment and running of the New Zealand Brain Research Institute in Christchurch, serving on the board for many years and starting the Friends of the Brain Institute (FBI) to raise funds for research.

In 2013 he was made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for Services to Neurology. Earlier in his career, he had been Chair of the Examination Committee and Board of Censors of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and was awarded their Sands Medal in recognition of his services to general medicine.

From the time Ivan was a medical student, he was interested in wine and winemaking and became a local pioneer in this field, helping to establish North Canterbury’s first Vineyard in 1976-1977 and then his familyowned Pegasus Bay Vineyard and Winery in 1986. Ivan was a national and international wine judge and wine writer for 20 years and published his memoirs, The Truant from Medicine, to raise funds for the FBI.

Having Kai Tahu heritage, and a medical background, Ivan was invited to serve on the Board and became Chair of He Waka Tapu, the largest South Island NGO provider of medical and social services to Mäori and Pasifika.


John Campbell – Humanities

1952 -1956

Arthur John Campbell attended King’s High School from 1952-1956, having previously attended St Clair School. On leaving school, John went to the Dunedin Teachers’ College and did Compulsory Military Training. He then went into the regular Army — initially as a Corporal, before graduating with the ‘Sword of Honour’ from the Officer Training School in Portsea, Australia.

John served in the Ordinance Corps with the New Zealand Army in Vietnam, seeing active service there. After 20 years’ service in the military, John retired from the Army with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and was appointed the Chief Executive of the Dunedin Hospital, before moving into national and international corporate life.

On his return to Dunedin, John got involved in the Dunedin Branch of the Returned Services Association. John (and fellow Kingsmen) Lox Kellas and Paul Deason were heavily involved in turning the local branch of the RSA around. John was instrumental in the relocation of the Monticello Veterans’ Home and Hospital to its current location on Bay View Road.

John was appointed National President of the RSA as the first non-WWII Serviceman to hold that position. He was President from 2004 — 2007. He was responsible for the modernisation and reinvigoration of the RSA — refocusing the direction of the organisation as the WWII Veterans passed on.

He was focused on Veterans’ rights and welfare — particularly given the diversity of theatres that NZ troops operated in — each with their own unique issues for returning staff (for example, the effects of Agent Orange and exposure to other toxic materials, and recognition of PTSD as a result of Military Service.)

John was highly effective in lobbying Government to recognise the contributions of New Zealand’s Service Personnel and gained much needed resources to better assist servicemen in transitioning from military to civilian life. He was also instrumental in the ‘Return of the Unknown Warrior’ and recognition of the ‘Year of the Veteran’ in 2006. John was subsequently awarded the ‘Badge in Gold’ – the highest honour available in the RSA. Other recipients of this award include Willie Apiata (VC) and WWII heroine Nancy Wake. John was also made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) in recognition of his services to the RSA.

John died in 2012 and his induction to the Wall of Fame is posthumous.



Peter Adams – Academic

1972 – 1976

Professor Peter Adams attended King’s High School from 1972 to 1976. In 1976 Peter was a member of the King’s High School Orchestra and First Xl Hockey. He gained a Blue in Hockey. At the end of year prize giving, he received a General Excellence Prize and won the Form 7 Geography Prize.

On leaving King’s, Peter attended the University of Otago. In 1978 he won the Dunedin Musical Society Prize for Best Music Student. In 1979 he won the Charles Begg Prize for music at the University of Otago, and the Philip Neill Memorial Prize for composition – an award open to students and graduates from any New Zealand University.

Peter has been closely involved with a number of local and national Orchestras, Choirs and Theatres for decades, as both a performer (Clarinettist and Singer) and Conductor. Peter has played Clarinet in the Dunedin Civic Orchestra and been an active soloist or player with many university Chamber Music groups, and Singer in the Southern Consort of Voices. The activities of the Dunedin Musical Society and the Globe Theatre have also been strongly supported and influenced by him over the years.

At an early stage, Peter was recognised nationally and received grants to be taught in Christchurch and Wellington. Peter’s career in music has taken him around the globe. He graduated with a Bachelor of Music with Honours in 1981 and was then awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship to undertake post-graduate study in music at King’s College, London. At King’s College he graduated with a master’s degree in music (MMus [Lond.]), specialising in the theory and analysis of music.

In 1990 Peter started work at the University of Otago as a Junior Lecturer. He has progressed up the ranks over the years and is now Professor of Music and Lead Course Advisor. His inaugural professorial lecture was entitled: “Why music matters to me and why it should matter to you.” Peter is a respected Conductor; recognised especially for his work with young people in youth orchestras, Summer Schools, The NZ Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra, and the NZ National Youth Brass Band.

He has also made many professional appearances in Dunedin conducting the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra and the St Kilda Brass Band. For ten years Peter was Musical Director of the City Choir Dunedin. Peter is a leading figure in the NZ Brass Band scene and as well as conducting, he regularly adjudicates at Brass Band contests and festivals. As a Composer, performance of his works can be found on CDs, You Tube and Video, and several works have had score and parts published.

Peter has written reviews, programme notes, given pre-concert talks, and other community and school presentations in his wider community engagement.



Colin Fraser – Humanities

1945 – 1948

Justice Colin Fraser (ret.) attended King’s High School from 1945-48, having previously been at Caversham Primary School and Macandrew Intermediate School. At school he excelled academically and was also a Sergeant in the Military Cadet Unit.

Colin was a classmate of fellow Wall of Famers, District Court Judge (ret.) Joe Anderson, and a good friend of Paul Oestreicher who is patron of our school’s Leadership Programme.

Colin’s School Certificate Latin mark came back at 18%. The head of languages, Arnold Anderson, was none too pleased that his top student had failed and realised a mistake must have been made. Arnold paid for the mark recount, which came back at an impressive 81%.

On leaving King’s, Colin attended the University of Otago and studied Law. He gained awards for Company Law, Bankruptcy, Trusts, and Torts, while studying at university. Colin was President of the Otago Law Students Association in 1954 and worked for Ross and Dowling Law firm in Dunedin while studying.

In 1955, Colin graduated with an LLB and moved to Invercargill. There he worked for Hanan, Arthur and Co. to gain partnership with them. While in Invercargill Colin was Chairman of the Invercargill Prisons Board and President of the Southland Law Society.

In 1980, Colin was appointed as a District Court Judge, sitting in Christchurch. Colin was one of the first District Court Judges warranted to conduct jury trials, when they were introduced to the District Court jurisdiction in 1981 (previously, jury trials were only held in the High Court). Colin also held the position of the South Island’s Executive Judge in the 1980’s. In 1989, Colin created judicial history by becoming the first District Court Judge to be appointed to the High Court. From then until his retirement in 1996, Colin sat in the High Court.

In 1996, Colin’s service to the judiciary was acknowledged by the award of the Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM) in the New Years Honour’s List. The award being for ‘Meritorious service to the Crown and the Nation… and for [becoming] distinguished (for his] eminence, talents, contributions, or other merits’.


Derek Metzger – Arts

1975 – 1979

Derek attended King’s from 1975 to 1979. While still in Form 4 (Year 10) at King’s, Derek won a talent quest at the Alexandra Holiday Camp. This gained him an invitation to sing for a week at the ‘Expo 77’ in Invercargill. He had major parts in School productions such as ‘The Real Inspector Hound’, ‘The Car’ and musicals such as ‘The Sound of Music’ and ‘The King and l’. In the 5th Form, his career took off when he won ‘The 1978 Entertainers’, a talent contest on New Zealand Television.

In 1979 Derek was busy, both with his University Entrance Course and touring 15 States of the U.S. for the NZ Tourism Board. He also won the Singer for Asia that year, winning a trip to Hong Kong, where he took third place in the Asian Song Contest, for New Zealand. In 1980 he, along with Tina Cross, competed in the Pacific Song Contest in Canada, singing a song written by Carl Doy. They were placed second and won the Performance Award. The year was capped off by receiving the NEOA Rising Star Award.

As an Actor/Singer/Dancer… Derek’s extraordinary career has encompassed Television, Recording, Concert, Cabaret and both the legit and Musical Theatre stage. He has travelled extensively — working in Australasia, Asia, North America, and London’s West End, where he spent three years in the hit musical ’42 nd Street’ and was privileged to appear in the 1986 Royal Variety Concert. He played leads in Australasian tours of The ‘Pirates of Penzance’ (1994), ‘Chess’ (1992/1997) and ‘The Mikado’ (1996).

Derek’s soaring vocals and physical agility, combined with a penchant for quirky, lovable, and honest characterisations has resulted in an extremely diverse body of work. From the Russian in the Abba/Rice masterpiece ‘Chess’ and cockney Bill Snibson in ‘Me and My Girl’, to the Scarecrow in the classic ‘Wizard of Oz’ and Patsy in Monty Python’s ‘Spamalot’…. Derek has shown a wide, colourful, and creative style that has garnered him both audience and critic accolades, resulting in many industry awards, including Best Actor in a musical (Me & My Girl) Best Theatrical Performance (Chess) and Most Professional Performer.

In later years he branched into other areas of the business, spending 15 years travelling the world as a Headline Entertainer on some of the world’s most prestigious Cruise Ships and guest performing on the Global Corporate Entertainment scene. Derek has utilised his talents to help raise funds for many global charities as well as being a Patron for the Victorian Youth Theatre.

While not actively encouraging those setting out on a career in the industry — it can be a hard path to walk; uncompromising, topsy turvy and uncertain, Derek feels incredibly privileged to have had such a wealth of experience in that industry, both good and bad, and to have met some of the most interesting and engaging people one could ever hope to come across in any profession. No-one should become a performer for any other reason than a passion to express themselves artistically and to want to make a difference in other people’s lives — the entertainment industry affords an individual so many opportunities to give back to society…on many levels. It may not make you rich, in many cases, but it can fulfil you like no other.



Athol (Al) Meder -Business

1955 – 1959

Athol was a King’s pupil from 1955 to 1959. Athol was born a few months before the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. His father, Eric, was a fitter-turner and welder who worked at Stevenson and Cook in Port Chalmers constructing steel boats for the War effort. Athol grew up in Andersons Bay in a hill-top house that overlooked the Pacific Ocean, Dunedin City, and the harbour, and, from there, biked to King’s High School every day. He was a member of the Stamp Club, played in the school band, and played Fives, Cricket, and Rugby. He can be seen on a King’s archive photo bowling to Ted Dexter, the International Cricketer from England during the MCC visit to King’s.

From 1960 — 1965, Athol attended the University of Otago, majoring in Geology working under Old Boy, Professor Doug Coombs. Athol’s BSc (Hons) thesis was entitled, ‘Some Aspects of the Geology of the Mossburn District, New Zealand’. The following year he graduated with a BSc (Hons) degree in Chemistry. In 1965 Athol travelled to the USA with a scholarship to Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, where he graduated with a master’s degree in Geology from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

Rather than having a career in academia, Athol elected to work in industry after being offered a position at Proctor and Gamble (P&G) in Cincinnati, Ohio. P&G believed in hiring employees with broad educational experiences, and Athol joined the Toiletries Division where he formulated and tested shampoo products. Ultimately, he introduced Head & Shoulders Shampoo to the UK.

From 1969 to 1983 he was employed by Amway Corporation in Ada, Michigan, starting as Section Head and then Manager of personal care and cosmetics product development. There he was promoted to Director, and later Vice President International Administration and Strategic Planning. Athol was ultimately promoted to Chief of Staff for the two owners of Amway, where he played an important role in communicating the owners’ corporate philosophy to Amway’s global staff.

Despite his upward progression, Athol always desired his own business, and, in 1983, he purchased Pure Water Inc, in Lincoln, Nebraska. The business was restructured as Pure & Secure LLC. (P&S) in 2004. P&S designs, manufactures, and markets stainless steel water distillation systems to produce high purity distilled water for household, commercial, governmental, military, and specialised uses. He has several patents. P&S customers include, the US Coast Guard, US Army Reserve National Guard, U.S. Air Force, US Dept of State (for US Embassies worldwide), US Customs and Border Protection, Colombian Air Force, Exxon Mobile, Saudi Air Force, Fitness Time Sports Centers throughout Saudi Arabia, and Offshore Oil Platforms in Australia, Brazil, and Malaysia. Recently, the large Englewood Hospital in New Jersey installed P&S distillers for drinking water for all staff and patients. The company has also made sales of bottled water equipment to Sakhalin Is, Russia, Lebanon, Yemen, Portugal, Nigeria, Kenya, the US, Canada, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan and to Transpower, New Zealand.

While at Pure Water Inc., Athol created an event to welcome all incoming university students: the International Student Picnic. This was a special picnic where all incoming foreign students at the local universities were invited to a special welcome picnic. They were greeted, met employees, the mayor, or other top city officials and interacted with other newly arrived international students. This tradition has continued for more than 25 years and is now organised through the local Rotary International Club #14.

Athol plays Tennis and enjoys other cultures and has travelled to more than 75 countries. He married Pauline Black in 1966, who studied at Queen’s High School and the University of Otago. They have three children and five grandchildren and live in Lincoln, Nebraska.

2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club