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Between 1948 and 1963 Staff member Jim McCreadie made a film record of the School’s activities.
Click on the links below to view the films
1954 (13 minutes)
Barracks Week: The Mortar Platoon; the new Medical Platoon.
Sports: Form lV B King’s v. Waitaki – rugby and hockey. Innovations; the new janitor, Mr Patillo; the first prefab; Queen’s High being built; drainage work. Cross-country races at Hancock Park; V. L.’s Latin Feast; Artillery Shoot at Tomahawk.
1955 (2 minutes)
Staff v. lst XI – cricket. Visit of Sir John Sheppard.
1956 (IS minutes)
Work on the new library block. “Au Revoir, Mr Chisman.”
Kings v. O.B.H.S. – hockey, soccer and rugby. Springboks: Johnstone and Kirkpatrick at Assembly; Springboks practice on the school ground.
The First Test at Carisbrook; curtain raiser; King’s v. Waitaki; glimpses of the Test.
Staff v. lst Soccer XI.
Cross-country races at Hancock Park. Fives championship finals.
The Third Term examinations in the Hall. Moving to the new library.
The Photographic Club.
Cup cleaners; Cadet Competition Day.
1957 (12 minutes)
Barracks Week: A:r.C. on maneouvres at Chisholm Park. Visit of H.M.A.S. Melbourne at Port Chalmers.
More manoeuvres at Kettle Park.
King’s v. Southland Boys’ – soccer and rugby. Old Boys v. the school; Winter Sports Day. School Certificate examinations.
Fourth Forms on biology survey at Waverley. Shooting on the school range and at Pelichet Bay. The new Rowing Club.
1958 (16 minutes)
Sports; Maadi Cup; King’s rowers at Waihola. Camera Club picnic at Tunnel Beach and Blackhead. Presentation of the R.N.Z.A.F. Cup to the A.T.C. Lifesaving teams at the St Clair Baths.
Staff v. Ist XI – cricket; King’s v. 0.B.H.S. – hockey and rugby.
H.M.S. Pinafore.
Staff v. 1st XI – soccer.
Otaki Scholar, John Edward, witli the prefects. Junior tennis final.
The Third Form classes and Form VI A.
1959 (14 minutes)
Construction of the biology laboratory.
Winter Sports Day; school v. Old Boys – rugby, soccer and hockey.
The Lions at King’s; Scotland and Murphy at Assembly; Lions practice before the First Test.
Pirates of Penzance.
Staff v. 1st XI – soccer (featuring the kick-off by the President of the N.Z. Football Association).
Highlights of the lunch-hour concerts.
Third Form classes and end of year activities; cricket; cop¬per trail; Festival booklets.
Form VI A.
1960 (10 minutes)
Sports; Gala Day; Battalion Parade only.
King’s v. O.B.H.S. – soccer and rugby – at King’s. The Mikado.
Cross-country races,
Artillery and mortar shoot at St Kilda; .303 rifle shooting. Third Form classes.
Form VI A at the break-up in the Town Hall
Visit of the Earl of Eglinton and Winton. Charlie’s Aunt.
Old Boys’ Silver Jubilee celebrations: Reunion Day; decade groups; Memorial Service; wreath laying and visitors; Sports Day; cricket match; field events; masters’ shotput. Battalion Parade on Competition Day (last parade in uniforms).
!st XV before match v. O.B.H.S. Memorial Gymnasium under construction. French rugby team at King’s.
Gala Day.
Gipsy Baron.
Third Form classes.
Mr Lang’s last Assembly.
The new Rector, Mr H. H. Craig, at his first Assembly. Barracks Week: B Company manoeuvres; Battalion Parade.
Memorial Gymnasium Opening Ceremony and Dedication.
Form 4C first class to use the gymnasium. The Importance of Being Earnest.
The Gondoliers.
Sports: M.C.C. visitors; Bedser at Assembly; Cowdrey at the nets; first cricket match with Shirley Boys’ High; King’s v. 0.B.H.S. at Liulebourne – Winter Sports. Pygmalion.
Staff v. !st XI – soccer. Shirley Boys’ High v. King’s – first winter visit to King’s. Noyes’ Fludde at Queen’s.
New buildings.
Cadets A Company manoeuvres at Tomahawk.
April 24: Sir Guy Powles, Ombudsman, at King’s. Queen’s Birthday Winter Sports: Old Boys v. school – basketball; King’s v. Waitaki.
August 6:. Visit of John Duffus, Otaki Scholar. September 29: Cross-country races.
Sixth Form Plays: Out of the Flying Pan and Dr Faustus:
Third Form Plays: The Nightingale, The Crimson Coconut and Blue Murder.
The classes.
First interschool match with 0.B.H.S. – fives. Break-up rehearsal at His Majesty’s Theatre.
Film coming soon
Anzac Day: The Band at the Soldiers’ Cemetery; the Firing Party at the Cenotaph; presentation of Cadet Forces medals.
The Mikado at Queen’s.
King’s v. O.B.H.S. – Winter Sports. Removal of the prefabs.
Springboks: W. H. Parker and C. J. Cronje talk to the seniors.
Farewell to M. Cooper and I. Reddington, Field Scholars. Cross-country winners.
The classes.
Film coming soon
February 17: The Govcrner-General, Sir Bernard Fergusson, visits King’s; His Excellency presents Duke of · Edinburgh Awards; morning coffee with staff and prefects; address to the combined schools! of Queen’s, King’s and Macandrew; the farewell.
M.C.C. visitors at Assembly – Geoff Boycott and David Brown.
Swimming Sports at Moana Pool.
July 14: Our “adopted” Lion, Sandy Hinshelwood, at school.
Plays: Everyman and The Lesson. August 5: Mr Craig’s last Assembly.
First Assembly for the new Rector, Mr J. Bremner. Cross-country winners.
The classes.
Film coming soon