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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959
3A – 1951
3B 1951
3C – 1951
Row 3 Colin Mills Brian Waller Lindsay Logan Jim Cochrane David Bowen Ken Ramsay Neil Bird Neil McKenzie Ron Ball Les Freeman
Row 2 Bob Crimp John Braithwaite Leslie Reid Warren Bamber Syd Armishaw Leon Jones Frank Huthnance Russell Buchanan Eddie Quin George Lee
Row 1 Alec Holmes Roger Shepherd Barry Evans Joseph Butler Graeme Howley Robert Stuart Michael Findlay Peter Connolly
3L – 1951
Row 4: John Holden, ?, ?, Alan Dodds, Cohn McKay, Jim Arthur, Roger Middlemass, Barry Robertson, Ken Reddington, Graeme Gamble. Peter Hoist
Row 3: Mr Arnold Anderson, Russell Deiley, Stan Hughes, John Herbert, David Foster. Russell Toms, David Bretherton, Ray Reid, Kelvin Doolan, Ron James, John Williams
Row 2: Julian Penfold, Morton Potbury, Richard Offwood, Brian Anderson, David Caradus, Les Green, Nelson Redshaw, John Butel, Oliver Lindsay
Row 1: Ron McQueen, Ray Trewern, Owen Colloty, Noel Hewitt
Not in photo: George Lawrie, Alistair Smith, Nicholas van Dawson