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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959
3A – 1952
Back Row: Neville Hamilton, John Knowles, Blair Davidson, Ross Simpson, Ross Montgomery, Eddie Reddington, Des Caldwell, John Law, Peter Bathgate, Lloyd Perriman, Alf MacKay, Bryan Bathgate
Middle Row: Michael Brown, Noel Coombe, Arch Somerville, Graeme Wood, Jam Sew Hoy, Brian Broadley, Neville Mayne, Peter Stark, Noel Reeves, Gordon Arnold, Lindsay Pearce, Vaughan Baker, Mr Doug Morrison
Front Row: Ian Caradus, Rae Benfell, Graeme Andrew, Neville Clarkson, Don Hilliker, Barry Clarke, Les Duncan, John Mclnnes, Jim Shum, John Dymand
Ground Row: Murray Wilson, Richard Lucas, John Somerville
On roll but not in photo: Neville Troon
3B – 1952
Row 3: Mr. Jack Whitworth, G. James(Gordon I think), Ivan Smith, Brian Constable, Gordon Reid, Jack Matheson, G. Peet (Gary I think), Victor Hodge, Gordon Henderson, Don Reid, Peter Burns, Jim Gorrie, Findlay Rumble
Row 2: Lindsay Ruston, Maurice Nielson- Vold, David Ashton, W. Frame (Bill I think),L. Young (not sure of first name), Bob Ashton, Stewart Leslie, Graeme Barnes, Jesse Davidson, Colin Jack, Ray Proctor, Grant Hinchcliffe, Murray Gibbs
Row 1: Gary Dillon, R. Brown (Roger I think), Jock Roach, Charlie Coles, Brian Ball, John Edlin, Walter Pearce, John Turnbull, Bill Lane, G. Boult (Gary I think), Ron Dodds, Brian Fleury, Fred Bridger
3L – 1952
Back Row: Ken Craik, Russell Stewart, John Hart, David Evans, John Duncan, Warren Shirley, Tom Maginness, John Campbell, Charlie Bedford, Kevin Gibson, Philip Kidd, John Clarke, Russell Hendry
Middle Row: David Bishop, Don Ross, Ian Bassett, David Christian, Arthur James, Fraser Bourke, Michael Smart, Ross Heazlewood, Brian Cuthbertson, Graeme Bassett, John McCracken, Mr Arthur Chetwin
Front Row: John Eagles, Murray Livingstone, Liew Gwynne, Ron Keen, Neil Ross, David Munro, Mack Stephens, John Hampton, Murray Fraser, Roger Brunton
On roll but not named in photo: Roger Keys, Corran Munro, John Spencer
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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959