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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959
3A – 1954
Back Row: Michael Young, Brian Townsley, Michael Stewart, Bill Townsend, Craig Lukeman, Graham Mitchell, Roy Jenner, Barry Pearce, Errol Smart, Donald Lyon, Evan Black, Des Aitken
Middle Row: Mr Stan Emslie, David Simmers, Robert MacLean, Leslie Brownie, Peter Reeve, Russell Martin, Noel Murphy, Chris Pritchett, Mervyn Scott, David Harrison, John Elliot, Barry Duncan, Ian Brockie
Front Row: Doug Adams, Robin Ellett, Russell Bell, Winston Parks, Peter Buckmaster, Brian Middlemass, Winston Kennedy, Winston Bishop, Jim Brown, David Home, Harry Young, Peter Ruhen, Gerald Oliphant
3B – 1954
Back Row: Barry Kenworthy, Murray Tamblyn, Brian McLellan, Tony Slaughter, Trevor Gray, David Fenby, John Howe, Graham Calder, Bart Smaill, Keith Pitcaithly, Brian Chivers
Middle Row: Mr Alistair Price, Norman Pickford, Keith Duncan, Peter Brooks, Ken Berry, John Fitzpatrick, Roger Paton, Winston Tringham, Mike Sydney, Colin Winks, Peter Berry, Gary Simon
Front Row: Doug Huband, Keith Sims, Russell Williamson, Ken Adam, Ken Martin, Ian Simpson, Murray Thompson, Don Taylor, Don Campbell, ????,Ken Edlin, Graeme Dodds
On roll but not named in photo: Raymond Ball, Peter Brown, Bill Renfree
3C – 1954:
Back Row: Philip McCabe, Jack Burt, Fred Chaney, Bruce Finnie, Ray Thompson, Rex McPhee, Rex Telfer, Gary McKinlay, Brian Bezett, Murray Clark, Allan Gillam, Ron Alexander
Middle Row: Mr Keith Robinson, Owen Maslin, Graham Sutcliffe, Max Kennelly, Stuart Hay, Pat Gourley, Bruce Galbreath, Eddie Saunders, Colin Campbell, Don Parsons, Graeme Pryde, Ray McKenzie
Front Row: Trevor Reeves, David Fitzgerald, Alistair Stevenson, Ian McKenzie, Dave Kennedy, Colin Clarke, Peter Nimmo, Richard Ratcliff, Alan Russell, Lyall Williams, Graeme Davey
Absent: Alistair McDowall, Garry Palenski,
3D – 1954
Back Row: Peter Croy,????, Neville Slater,????, Barry Johnston, Robin Stevens
Middle Row: Mr Garry Jeffery, Arthur Waters,????,????,????,????, •
Front Row: ????,????,Ralph Phillips,????, Keith Harper,????,
On roll but not named in photo: Dzintars Apse, Don Carruth, Brian Galway, Colin Gilbert, Kevin Parker, Gordon Richards, Neil Rotch, Bill Sinclair, George Williams, Ken Wooldridge
3L – 1954:
Back Row: Earle Shaw, Neil Sinclair, Donald Young, Bob Wilson, Max Muir, Ernest McCraw, Fergus Brand, Ian Hilliker, Michael McGrath
Middle Row: Mr Arthur Donovan, Percy Smith, John Chetwin, Colin King; Colin Tourelle, John Taylor, Ron Evans, Donald Sew Hoy, John McLean, Ken McLachlan, Keith Erskine, Geoff Tait
Front Row: Lex Howie, Bryan More, David White, David Morrell, Neville Newton, Gordon Brander, Ray Parker, Donald Warrington, David Scott, Chris Reid, Winston Baker, Michael McIntyre
On roll but not named in photo: John Edwards, Ron McKenzie, Lindsay Wall
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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959