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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959
3A – 1955:
Row 4: Michael Cunningham, John McMillan, Neil Reddington, Richard McDonald, Peter Dingwall, Daniel Brent, Bob Strong
Row 3: Bill Thompson, Keith Silver, Errol Ball, Gordon Randle, Cliff Mould, Kim Morrison, Alan Caudwell, Craig Hunter
Row 2: David Jones, Ray Bennetts, Bill Wilson, Ted McDougall, Ian Farrant, Jim Stenhouse, Mr Arthur Donavan
Row 1: John Matheson, Norman Robertson, Brent Torrance, David Notman, Alistair Liddell, Doug Vaudrey, Lance Brown
On roll but not named in photo: Ken Davidson, Les Dickie, Neville Idour, Brian Keen
3B – 1955
Row 5: Robin Douglas, Noel Bradshaw, Murray Todd, Bevan Arnott, Barry McKay, Colin Nicholls, Bruce Douglas
Row 4: Jeff Dodds, Colin Gough, Ross Simons, Graeme Ballantye, John Millar, Richard Kavanagh
Row 3: John Ward, Brian Crosby, Peter Olsen, Ian S. T. Smith, George Grellett, Ashley Ford, David Ingram, Mr.Alister Price
Row 2: Bruce Hormann, Graeme Brown, Ian Gamble, Bill Mason, Keith Campbell
Row 1: Bill Hosiet,Trevor Johnstone, Malcolm Douglas, Bill Stewart, Murray Crossland, Roger Fogo, Ian Lennon
3C 1955
Row 5: Roger Aitken (slightly forward), Stan Hughes, Norman Paterson, Dennis Aiken, Alex Johnston, Clark Simmonds, Tom Warner, Bill Smith (slightly forward)
Row 4: Ron Inglis, John Bradbury, Errol Scott, Roland Rowlatt, Ernest Penny, Graeme Shieffelbien
Row 3: Murray Smith, Roger Thomson, Ross Gourley, Doug Jordan, Dave Boucher, Les Duncan
Row 2: John Cole (standing tall), Stephen Stiles, Bryan Burt, Steven Turner, Peter Laughton, Malcolm McDonald, Roy Bremner, Peter Olsen, Mr Neil Howard
Row 1: Graeme Borley, Peter McDougall, Hugh Morrison, Digby Flockton, Ross Mercer, Andrew Botting
3L – 1955:
Row 5: Tom Stenhouse, Michael Simmill, Ivan Donaldson, Peter Strang, Erik Olssen, David Strang, Bruce Keys
Row 4: Ian Robertson, Cliff Brunton, Edwin Wright, John Begg, Alastair Pearce
Row 3: Colin Grant, Richard Holst, Ross Dodds, Brian Muntz, John Holmes, Ray Robins
Row 2: Colin James, Jeff Todd, Lindsay Neilson, Neville Hastie, Allan Amyes, Graham Fortune, Barry Galloway, Garnet Tregonning, Mr Ray Familton
Row 1: Athol Meder, Harold Finlay, Murray Stanton, Peter Dey, Syd Duncan, Martin Penrose, Alan Dick
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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959