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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959
3A – 1957
Back Row: Colin McKenzie, David Stevenson, David Carrigan, Neville Kennedy, Russell Coker, Malcolm McLean, Russell Reid, Ken McGrath, Martin Woodhall, Russell Lippert, Kenny Young
Second Row: Mr Neil Howard, Jeff Fountain, Gerald Giles, John Cooper, Michael Lindroos, Don McKechnie, Tom Annison, Alan Standring, Peter King, Bevan Moor, Alan Dale, Antony Widdowson
Front Row: Neil Armstrong, Les Gibson, Brendon Neilson, Warren Mason, Nairn Fraser, Russell Elmes, Chris Laidlaw, Graeme Logan, Les Waugh, Tom Harper, Russell Grant
On roll but not in photo: Graham McHardy, Julius Shuba
3B – 1957
Back Row: Ken James, Ray Tollerton, Kevin St John, Kelvin Chivers, Keith Wallace, Keith Anderson, Jim Irvine, Barry Mabin, Barry Milburn, Geof Leedon
Second Row: Mr Alister Price, Rodney Routledge, Michael Brown, Desmond Botting, Tim Lusk, Richard Johnstone, Graeme Skelton, Brendon Wilson, John Graham, Alan Bishop, Ian Bingham, Alan Chang
Front Row: John Fenby, John Barr, Grant Jeffery, Ian Graves, Jim Butler, Denis Dove, Errol Holland, Robert Hughes, Barry Jones, Trevor Shaw, Graeme Brown
On roll but not in photo: Arthur Beaman
3C – 1957
Back Row: Graham Cuthbert, Morris White, Bob Crawford, John Bezett, Dennis Gough, Mike Gain, Tom Isherwood, Alex Martin, Graeme Sherburd, Murray Denholm
Second Row: Mr Stan Emslie, Bevan Rix, Stephen Nisbet, Neil Jewiss, Kevin Coutts, Elliot Flett, Robert Peters, Alan Smith, Bill Sheridan, Eddie Bedford, Malcolm Watson, Noel Simmonds
Front Row: Gavin Coxhead, Ian Martin, Kevin Haig, John Ruxton, Ross Mowat, Brian Cathro, Stuart Botting, Keith Ashton, Ricky Mains, Alan Gamble, Russell Smith
3D – 1957
Back Row: Carl Ball, John Dodds, Kevin Maher, John Alexander, Ken Paterson
Second Row: Mr Rae Familton, John Brocket, Gilbert Lucas, Murray Reid, Colin Bain, Don Geddes, John Edmonds
Front Row: Barry Mee, Neil Thomas, Les Sims, David Sue, Athol Stewart, Russell Butt
On roll but not in photo: Bob Allan, George Stenerson
3L – 1957
Back Row: Neville Goodman, Warren Coombes, Ian McLean, Les Jordan, Bill Spiers, Doug Wethey, Ronald Julius, Warren Douglas, David Butel Ian Clark
Second Row: Mr Laurie Davies, Ken Wilson-Pyne, John Barton, Ledley Cleland, Gerald Duff, Brian Dey, Bill Harper, Michael Hyndman, David Winefield, Ian Burrow, John Bell
Front Row: Graeme Lawrence, John Churchman, Darrell Robinson, Graeme Lyon, Michael Andrewes, Peter Williams, David Reid, Conway Stewart, Murray Facer, Alan Dixon, Bill Evans
On roll but not in photo: Johnathan Amies, Colin Beatson, John Ellenden, Russell Purvis, Richard Shorter
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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959