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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959
3A – 1958
Row 4: Stewart Gillan, Graham Ockwell, Allan Rumble, Ross Campbell, Len Holdsworth, Russell Garland,Keith McCorkindale
Row 3: Selwyn Robertson, Bill Wilson, Keith Newton, Martin Harris, Jim Peterson, Gordon Young, Vernon Ellendon
Row 2:John Duff, Alex Brownlie, Brian Jackson, Ray Green, Bruce Howe, Scott Begbie, Graeme Mclean, John Adamson, Mr. Rae Familton
Row 1: John Bury, Kevin Davey, David Emslie, Renwick Hislop, Graeme Ching, Russell Hocking, Ian Maskell, Keith Facer.
3B -1958
Row 5: Ken Kilgour Gerald Somerville Dennis Breeze Russell Lucas John Pearce Graeme Robertson
Row 4: Paul Leighton John Williams Jim Johnstone Cliff Stratton Rodney Rae John Wilhelmsen Alan McQueen
Row 3: Alan Rockliffe Rodney Waugh Lindsay Clark Lyn Ponsford Myles Dunning Alan Davies Mr. John Huggett
Row 2: Ray Wilson Stehen Dymand Paul Larking Peter Larking Warwick Duell Geoff Thomas John Fletcher
Row 1: Ross McKay Brent Murdoch Michael Walls
3C – 1958
Row 4: Peter De Clifford, Peter Croudis,Gary Parsloe, Kirk Lister, Lindsay King, Doug Marsh, Ray Hunter, Ralph De Clifford
Row 3: Geoff Rogers, Kerry Torrance, Mervyn Thomas, JohnTait, Graeme McDonald, Paul Fleming, Grant Asher, Mr.Neil Howard
Row 2: Bruce Burns,John Brock, Wayne Moore, Colin Burns, Philip Parks, Lawrence Gubb, Peter Turnbull.
Row 1: John Farlam, Neil Rowlatt, Les Hunter, Robert McDougall, Carrick Jones, Ian McDonald, Wayne Procter
3D – 1958
Row 3: Russell Railton Les Sue David Paul Ian Thomas Warren Baker Colin Campbell
Row 2: David Denton Denis Webb Lindsay Rackley Murray Pryde Jim Parsons Kevin Wilson Bruce Scott Mr. Stan Emslie
Row 1: Norman Bennetts Lex Paul David Paul Bob Bartlett Rodger Scoones Ron Boucher Don White
1958 -3L1
Row 5: John Kliem, Neil Thomson, Murray Bell, Graeme Downie, Calvin Campbell, Roger Craddock, John Parker,Wayne Sutherland, Selwyn Chalmers
Row 4: Ray Mills, Tony Herd, Richard Deighton, Miles Middlemass, Kevin Cunningham, Edward Berry, Digby Paape, John Leslie, Graeme Ross.
Row 3: Clive Cumming, Robin Marks, Murray Deaker, Howard McNaughton, Gary Aitcheson, Neville Hutton, David Kilpatrick, Tony Roydhouse, Mr. Graham Haase
Row 2: Anthony Pritchett, David Carrigan, Peter Jenkins, John Kroon, Roger Lampen, Chris James, Max Lowrey, Rodney Whitworth.
Row 1: Peter Duff, Russell Tregonning.
3L2 – 1958
Row 5:Robert Hart, Bruce Howie, Carl Taylor, Barry Kaye, Roger Paterson, Wayne Goodman, Ross White, Mark Vial
Row 4: Michael Brown, Dallas Prentice, Keith Brown, Roger Simpson, George Clemison, Lawrence Jefferson, David Hinds.
Row 3: Graham Williams, Mark Bracefield, Paul Seaton, Ray McBride, Bruce Morrison, Wayne Deason, Terry Martin, Alan Stent, Mr. R.G.A. (Sharky)Sawell
Row 2: Allan Brown, Ewan Ritchie, Fred Graham, Graham Wall, Murray Gasson, David Smith, Lindsay Bell.
Row 1: Robin Kennedy, Graham Hitt
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1950 1951 19521953 1954 19551956 1957 19581959