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1960 1961 19621963 1964 19651966 1967 19681969
3AG – 1961
Row 4: Jeffery Parker, Jim Steffens, Bruce Hedge, David Patillo, Bruce Gardner, Errol Rix
Row 3: Brian McDonald, Keith Gilmore, Keith Neiper, Peter Maher, Murray Edlin, Wayne Summers, Brian Davidson
Row 2: Bill McKay, Murray Todd, Darrel Tuck, Dennis Moore, Trevor Vercoe, Ray Harris, Jim Lewis, Gregan French
Row 1: Peter Tibbitts, Ron McNulty, Frank Kerr, Graham Robertson, Mr Meiklejohn, Ian Kropp, Max South, John Phillpot
3AL – 1961
Row 5: ?, Alan Carman, Nick Bovett, Steve Scoles, Joe Laney, John Millar, Robert Parker
Row 4: Bruce Scott, Roger Dodds, Paul Satchell, David Foote, Ken Humphries, Terry Peters, David Walker, Alan Isaac
Row 3: Tim Hazeldine, John McMillan, Jim Mitchell, Ian Reddington, Graeme Tilbury, Keith Lees, Stuart Gubbins, Brian Niven, Paul Morrison
Row 2: Keith Aitken, Robert Dey, Mike Cooper, Gary Lane, Mr Arnold Anderson, Keith Searle, Robert Mathews, Chris Read, Trevor Millar
Row 1: Michael Herd , Philip Godfrey ,
On roll but not in photo: Derek Keith, Tony Lawrence, John Williams, Roy Wilson
3BG – 1961
Row 4: ?, ?, ?, Martin Connell, Brian McDonald, ?, Bruce Heather, Michael Oliphant
Row 3: ?, Geoff Berry, Murray Cumming, ?, ?, ? ,?, ?
Row 2: ? Warren Sapsford, Stewart Cameron, Lindsay Parry, Graeme Archer, ?, Russell Amos, ?
Row 1: Ken Baker, Chris Checketts, Allan Jones, Mr B.D. Shaw, Chris Lampen, Peter Rolls, John Chrystall
3BL – 1961
Row 5: ? , Melvin Muir, ?, Bryan Laybourn, Graeme Reeves, Alan McOnie, Jim Ferrier
Row 4: ? Chisholm, ? Chisholm, Blair Wilson, Denis Holland, ? , Ken Sparrow, Alan Carter, Brian Ward
Row 3: Kevin Ramshaw, Ross Black, Roy Wilson, Laurie Dalton, ?, Ross Harris, tony White, Chris Gillan
Row 2: David Hannah, ?, Peter Searle, Morris Barling, Mr Fraser, Bruce Passmore, Graeme Blair, Dennis Smith, Barry Neilson
Row 1: Graham Foley, Barry Ennion
On roll but not in photo: Russell Garland
3CG – 1961
Row 4 ?, Ken Boucher, ?, Melvin Tudor, Gerald Glendining, Danny Beaumont
Row 3:
Row 2: John Stevenson, ?, ?, Wayne Ward, Terry Outram, ?, Jeff Grant, Brian Kreft
Row 1: Grant Stalker, ?, Peter McAlevey, ?, Mr Peter Stewart, ? Reginald Booth, Jeremy James
3C – 1961
Row 3: ?, ?, Peter Shepherd, ?, ?
Row 2: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Ewan Wright, Peter Sue
Row 1: Michael Tyson, ?, ?, Mr Sawell, ?, ?, ?