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1960’s Third Forms


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1960 1961 19621963 1964 19651966 1967 19681969



3AL 1962


Row 4: Lindsay Wilson, Tom Henderson, Simon James, Graham Robinson, Al Morrison, John Simpson, Barry Anderson, Bill Trewern, Trevor Wilson
Row 3: Alan Mount, Barry Glover, Richard Mason, Max Tregonning, Rodney Markham, Donald Melville, Donald White, Peter Davies
Row 2: Brent Stanley, Bruce Reggett, Peter Smith, Barry Thomas, John Rogers, Jim Dignan, John Simmers, Grant Allan, Michael Moore
Row 1: Paul Morris, Graeme Sydney, Peter Ashton, Derek Stewart, Mr John Huggett, Steve Satchell, Brian Johnston, Stephen McLeod, Alistair Moore

3BL – 1962

Row 4: Bruce Collins, Kerry Mong, Les Stewart, Glenn Stewart, Russell Latimer, Alan McCartney, Doug Smith, Owen Hughes, ? Wilson ?
Row 3: Bill McFarlane, Anthony Stewart, John Leatham, Kelvin Cameron, Clive Pearson, Fraser Williams, Wayne Temple, Alan McLean
Row 2: Keith Elliott, Melvin Dudding, Geoff Knox, Brian Anderson, Stephen Luke, Murray Nicol, Allan McKerrow, Phil Ravenwood, Mervyn Dickey
Row I: Bruce Chapman, John Simpson (above), Lynn Scott, Ken Baxter, John McDonald, Mr Bill Patterson, Peter Fraser, Tony Begg, Bruce Cowan, Bryan Laws (above), Ian Black
On roll but not in photo: Alastair Morrison who could be the unnamed boy in the middle of 3AL Row 4.

3AG – 1962


Row 4: Robert Blair, Robert Barclay, Norman Rowlands, Anthony Tucker, Charles Gibbon, Geoff Williams, Neil Jameson,

Graeme Bulling

Row 3: Murray Patterson, Francis Kelly, Graeme Mitchell, Wayne Allen, Alistair Kerr, Errol Robinson, Graeme Laing

Row 2: Stuart Smith, Nigel Foubister, Ron Mockford, Alan Walker, Keith Potter, Stuart MacKenzie, Gordon Bell, Neil Douglas

Row 1: Frank Gorinski, Graeme Brown, Bruce Haines, Mr Gillanders, Ken Walker, Ken Joint, Ken Isaac

On roll but not in photo: Tom Keene, Brian Norton, Warren Thompson, Alan Waters and Michael Wilson who could be the one queried in 3BL photo.


3Bg – 1962


Row 4: Alan Jordan,? Waters, Kevin Griffen, Peter Johnstone, Garry Muir, Graeme Seaman, Geoff Rackley, Gordon Parker

Row 3: Russell Pearson, Russell Dougherty, Bruce Mason, Paul Smith, Philip Morgan, Peter Pilkington, Murray Randall

Row 2: Ken Jardine, John Foster, David Laws, Syd Swift, Gerald MacMillan?, Ron Wilson, Bill Kindley, Ian Greenall

Row 1: Geoff Maxwell, Wayne Bremner, Brian Barbara, Mr Stan Emslie, Doug Campbell, Jan Wallaart, Robert Marshall ?

On roll but not in photo: Charles Anderson, Graeme Rutherford.

3CG – 1962


Row 4: Ron Porteous, Martin Barwood, Richard Pope, Graeme Reid

Row 3: Barry Coutts, Raymond Myers, John Marston, John Triggs, Wayne O’Connell,  Rae Rennie, Anthony Rive

Row 2: Paul Robertson, Alan Little, Chris Gramand, Richard Sharp, Kevin Oats, Ron Gooch, Barry Granger,James Ingram

Row 1: Vince Jones, Paul Beaumont, Graeme Bezett, Evan Stanway, Mr Wrighton, Alan Fort, Alan Bilson, Russell Blair

On roll but not in photo: Martin Earwood, Russell Blair, Barry Durand, Barry Grainger, Chris Grimman, Vincent Jones,


3C – 1962


Row 4: Phil Winter, Steve Scoular, Ross Coomer ????

Row 3: Larry Markham,????,????, Graham Wallace????, Trevor Rosie, David Beaumont

Row 2: David Voight, ????, Peter Edmonds, Kevin Richards, Tom?,????, Brian Mackle,????

Row 1: Graeme?, Lindsay Chalmers, Les Gibbons, Mr John Meiklejohn, Ron Kyle, Billy Laws, Kevin Collings

On roll but not in photo: Bryan Burt, Kevin Collings, Graham Crawford, Ken Cuttriss, Angus Johnstone, Warren Johnstone, Brian Mackle, Ray Martin, John Midson, Dennis Peacock, Kevin Richards, Thomas Scott, Graham Stott, Graeme Walker.

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1960 1961 19621963 1964 19651966 1967 19681969

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club