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1960’s Third Forms


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1960 1961 19621963 1964 19651966 1967 19681969



3AF – 1968


Row 4: Steven Ralston, Garry Patrick, Ken Thompson, Andrew Stoddard, John Panting, Paul Rabbett, Tim Kenyan, Robin Monroe

Row 3: Greg Lay, James Gavegan, David Walker, Garry McKenzie, Robin Laing, Malcolm James, Jacob Ham

Row 2: James Milne, Allan Thurlow, Warren Derbie, Ian Poultney, Chris Homer, Barry Munro, Roger Howie, Denis Gray

Row 1: Malcolm Sprott, John Munro, David McDermott, Mr. Barry Wilson, John Jephson, Jeffery Glendining, John Plug


3AG – 1968


Row 4: John Fraser, John Taylor, Ian Lauer, Harry Kong Tin

Row 3: Neville Smith, Robert Forrester, Dougal MacKay, David Smeaton, Kelvin Ralston, Colin Scott, David Huband

Row 2: Wayne Morris, Bruce Currie, Pter Childs, Raymond Connor, Richard Adams, Anony Longshaw, Bruce Suszko, Ken Helm

Row 1: Steven Reeve, John Aldis, Denis Ireland, Bernard Duffy, Mr. Stan Emslie, William Hinton, Warrne Brookland, Owen Winefield



3AL – 1968



Row 4: Nicky Gathercole , Brian Cox,   Owen Gibbons,   Bill Needs,   Keith Geary,   Paul Colvin,   Stephen Bailey,   Steve Mowat,   John Marquet

Row 3: Mike Emmerson,   Stephen Walsh,   Michael McCormack,   Lindsay Patrick,   Robert Alexander,   Ian Wilkinson,   Greg Govern,   David Caird

Row 2: Stephen Lisk,   Jon Judson,   Paul Enright,   John Ingram,   Steve Brocklebank,   Gary Webb,   Colin Sims,   Trevor Deaker,   Malcolm Knox

Row 1: Robert Cunningham,   Peter Davis,   Chris Hannah,   Bobby MacIntyre,   Mr. Jim McCready,   John Meldrum,   Colin Martin, Robert Irvine,   David Stringer


3BF – 1968


Row 4: Grant McCallum, Peter Gray, Ross Dwoland, Munroe Shanks, Chris Womphre, Kelvin Quinn Brian Ward, Geoffery Cropper

Row3: Brent Gillan, Max Oliver, Peter Reiber, Peter Kerr, William Leiper, Gaeme Sawkins, Ken Andrew

Row 2: John Spence, Allan Todd, Steven Blair, Bruce Hicks, Charles Perkins, Chris McLean, Peter Rhodes, Alan Nicholls

Row 1: Steven Bridgman, Julian Cook Peter Larkin, Gregory Siddells, Mr. Piet Weusten, Mark Whelan, John Hollands, Wayne Chenery



3BG – 1968


Row 4: David Myers, Ronald Johnston, Ricky Hunt, James Harkness

Row 3: Nigel Hurring, Steven Chapman, Peter Taylor, Neil Calverley, Garry Brodie, Barry Hughes, Trevor Barber

Row 2: Ian Rodger, Peter Bezett, Garry Dickson, Chris Sanderson, Ken Waren, Garry Beaumont, Mark O’Connor, Murray Crawford

Row 1: Brian Chapman, Trevor Bain, Paul White, Mr George Tofield, Allan Turnbull, Murray Welsh, Steven Brockie



3BL – 1968


Row 4: Bruce Johnstone, Allan Coull, Colin Sutcliffe, Murray Laracy, Grant Sullivan, Keith Dowland, Michael Hendeson

Row 3: David Evans, Michael Jones, Philip de Wattignar, Steven Lawrence, Allan Walton, Thomas Kwok, Brian Hopper, Roy Daniels

Row 2: Christopher Morgan, Ian Holden, Ralph Sutherland, Clive Oatley, Murray Pridham, Keith Dignan, Neil Paterson, Malcolm Walker, Roger Carter

Row 1: Owen Wallace, Allan Juian, Martin Degarnham, Bruce MacGreor, Mr. James McKindley, Garry Kinlay, Everet Sinclair, Roger Smith, Robin Hyndman



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1960 1961 19621963 1964 19651966 1967 19681969

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club