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1970 1971 19721973 1974 19751976 1977 19781979
If you have a copy of missing photos or names please email to
3Br – 1978
Row 1: Brian Baird, Philip Archer, Grant Howie, Grant Baskett, Tony Gray, Malcolm Dungey, Keith Ross
Row 2: Greg Dickson, Lynton Robinson, Garry Turner, Peter Dittmer, Richard Green, Michael Thomas, Timothy Crack, Mr Row 3: Steven Heazlewood, Peter McIntyre, Chris Herbert, Graeme Sell, Craig Jamieson, Kelvin Maker, Stewart Robertson, Henare Te Maiharoa
Row 4: Brian McStay, Brad Pike, Marc Hinton, Chris George, Henry van Dyk, Graham Hore, Greg Davidson
3Fg – 1978
Row 1: Robert Bryan, Paul Holkenbrink , Brent Bradshaw, Doug Armishaw, Jeff Thom, Ken Knox, Mr Ian Ferguson
Row 2: Jeffrey Ley, D Rikihana, Dean Madden, Wayne Yee, D Lumsden, Shane Williams, Carl Jenner
Row 3: Mark Stevenson, J Devlin, Ivan Todd, Stephen Wilson, Peter Bryant, Neville Chin, Darrel Woods, Robert Murray
Row 4: Alex Coory, Martin Jocelyn, Ian Kirk, Martin Harris, John Thornhill, B Lindsay, J Smith
If you have a copy of missing photos or names please email to
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