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GRAY John Alexander 1987 –


John-Gray John Gray 2013


1987 – 2013

Accounting, Economic Studies

Old Boy of the School  1964 – 1968

From the School Magazine 1987

Before he came to King’s in June of this year he worked at the Otago Harbour Board as a revenue officer; that was a job he didn’t enjoy.

He enjoys harriers and shooting and would like to run an outdoor club at school, with things like camping and tramping.

Mr Gray said that the most glorious moment in his career was coming to King’s, and he thinks that King’s is a good place, and teachers care for the welfare of the boys.

He claimed there was no form he preferred teaching to any other, but he enjoys all of the boys. He would like to be remembered as a “good, fair teacher.”

From the School Magazine 2014

John Gray is a King’s Old Boy who returned to his Alma-Mater in the middle of 1987, approximately twenty years after he left as a pupil. After attending Otago University to complete a degree in Geography he took up employment with the Otago Harbour Board for a number of years before returning to King’s High as an Accounting teacher after Mr Allan Clark left to become a horse breeder and trainer. During his time at King’s he was often referred to as ” Doc Gray,” a hangover from his time as a pupil. He remained at King’s until his retirement at the end of 2013.

During his time with us he contributed much to many aspects of school life, to the benefit of many students. John’s extra-curricular interests were diverse, covering such areas as Rugby, Basketball, Fishing, Tramping and Orienteering. For many years john was heavily involved in a number of different end of Year 10 camps, often providing the students with a number of valuable insights and skills that will serve them well into adult life.
As he was an Accounting teacher, he was a natural candidate for any task involving money. For a number of years john was responsible for the running of the school Workday, until it was taken over by the School Council. One of the more enduring responsibilities that fell on john’s shoulders was the running of the annual school raffle, a task that was always efficiently and quietly completed.

One of the most stand out features about John was his dislike
of being in the limelight or having a fuss made over something that he has done. This was the case when, at the end of last year, he just melted away; to begin the next challenge in his life, more time with his grandchildren. John contributed much to King’s as a pupil and staff member and his quiet and unassuming manner, will be missed by those who came into contact with him.

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