HAYES Edward [Ted]
1936 – 1967 and 1971 – 1971
Died 1992.
Deputy Principal
I/c Cricket
From the 1992 School Magazine
E. (Ted) Hayes (Staff 1936-67, 1971) was born at Timaru and educated at Ger¬aldine District High School, Christchurch Training College and the University of Otago, gaining an M.A. with First Class Honours in economics and being awarded a Sir Robert Stout postgraduate research scholarship.
In 1936 Mr Hayes become a member of the foundation staff at King’s High School where he taught for 31 years, mainly geography, history and social studies. He also taught night classes for many years at the Technical College. He assumed control of cricket and personally supervised the laying of the wicket block at King’s. When Mr Fraser retired, Mr Hayes was appointed Deputy Rector and his equally meticulous administration skills ensured a smooth transition.
Mr Hayes was a foundation member of the Otago Branch of the N.Z. Geographical Society and after his retirement acted as librarian to the national body. He was also a member of the Otago Historical Society.
Apart from his considerable skills in imparting technical detail when coaching cricket, Mr Hayes was one of the game’s more notable administrators, both at provincial and national level. He was made a Life Member of the Otago Cricket Association following stints as chairman and president, and he served for many years on the N .Z. Board of Control, ultimately becoming President of N.Z. Crick-
et Council. During the l 950’s he become well-known for his radio commentaries
from Carisbrook, which were enhanced by his technical appreciation for the game.
In later years, he too joined the St. Clair Bowling Club.