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1993 –



The new part-time position of sports co¬crdinator at King’s has been filled by old boy Rick Mains.
He has 20 years teaching experience behind him including three years at South Otago High School; eleven years at Kaikorai Valley High School as H.O.D. physical education and outdoor education; two years part-time at The Taieri High; and most recently, seven years at East Otago High School as H.O.D. physical, and outdoor education.
Some of Rick’s former pupils are presently on the teaching staff at King’s and include Mr Frost, Miss Hutton and Mr Nyhof.
A married man with three daughters, Rick’s rersonal interests involve mountaineering, fishing, roating, canoeing, skiing, general sports and recreation and last but not least, farming. Rick has recently bought a sheep and cattle farm at Hindon but has previously farmed properties at Palmerston zad Waikouaiti.

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This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club