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1970’s   /   1980’s   /   1990’s    /   2000’s   /   2010’s  /  2020’s


Tennis 1971:


Row 1: G. Paice, L. Cowan, R. Carter, Mr Doug Lockhart, J. Harrop, M. Laracy, I. Armstrong
Delete: 1971 Edit : 1971


Tennis 1972:


Row 1: Mr Doug Lockhart, R. Carter, G. Paice, M. Laracy, M.A. Stevens, K. Thompson


Tennis 1973:


Row 1: G. Grant, K. Thompson, M. Stevens, G. Paice, G. Young, R. Parry

Tennis 1974:


Row 1: G. Grant, S. Millis, G. Young, M. Stevens, P. Brown, K. Thompson


Tennis 1975:


Row 1: Mr Doug Lockhart, G. Grant, K. Thompson. P. Brown


Tennis 1976:


Row 2: G. Sneddon, S. Buxton, C. Ockwell

Row 1: G. Thompson, D. Millis, Mr Doug Lockhart, S. Millis, G. Smythe


Tennis 1977:


Row 2: S. G. Atherton, G. Smythe, M. Wennekes

Row 1: G.W. Thompson, C.R. McLaren, Mr Ray Baker, D.A. Millis, G. Townsend, C. J. Ockwell


Tennis 1978:


Row 2: G. Thompson

Row 1: G. Townsend, Mr Ray Baker, G. Sneddon


Tennis 1979:


Row 2: S. Atherton (Captain), G. Sneddon

Row 1: I. Clark, G. James, M. Hinton, K. Thomson

1970’s   /   1980’s   /   1990’s    /   2000’s   /   2010’s  /  2020’s


This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club