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Annual Dinner 2020

The Annual Dinner 2020

The Annual Dinner was once again held at the Chisholm Park Golf Course Lounge. This year the approximately 70 Old Boys had three inductees from the School’s Wall of Fame as guest speakers.   Their talks will all be posted on the “Wall of Fame” section of the Website. The inductees were Ron Cain (Sports), Erik Olssen (Academic) and Colin Mantell (Academic).

Ron Cain   1945 – 1947 Erik Olssen     1955 – 1960 Colin Mantell     1953 – 1957
Chris George does his impression of Sam Hunt Jim Butler    1957 – 1960 Kelvin Fisher       1979 – 1981
The Rector – Nick McIvor Robinson and MacAndrew Ron Cain and Geoff Anderson
This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club