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The 60th Anniversary
Sixty years of existence as an establishment may not have the same standing as a Centennial, or a Jubilee-however, it is still a significant historic occasion for our School.
Significant enough for a number of our ex-pupils to show their loyalty and fondness of the school by travelling considerable distances from all over New Zealand and indeed the world to be with us today. We had one from Hong Kong, two from the United States, Len from Australia, and one from England. There were nearly six hundred old boys and partners in all.
The programme for the weekend started with a registration session held in the new library complex. from here senior boys from the school took groups of reunion participants to look around the new school buildings and the hostel. From the comments that I heard back they were delighted with what they saw. The modern, bright, warm, well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, computer rooms and the catering suite were well received. The friendly, homely atmosphere and welcoming environment of the school hostel also impressed. The library also served as a show place for various items of memorabilia, old School Magazines, photos and rolls. An ample lunch was provided by in the school’s gymnasium and it was from here that the various age groups were collected together for group photos.
In the afternoon the feature event was the rugby match against Auckland Grammar School. There was a large vocal crowd of Old Boys, Students and other supporters who braved the icy winds. Other Old Boys, who were no less vocal had an excellent view of the game from the new classrooms that overlook the ground. I spent the afternoon with a number of old boys and partners in one of these rooms. They were most impressed with the brilliant display of running, forward dominated rugby play of the school team and although faces dropped a bit when Kings lost the lead at one stage, the fairy tale 18-17 King’s victory left them on top of the world.
The evening get-together at the Metropolitan Club was well patronised and many old and humorous reminiscences were made. The formal part of the evening was brief with my Presidential address and Rector, Ian Simpson’s comments on the school’s development and future prospects. The balance of the evening was informal with participants moving around the various grouping and meeting up with old friends.
On Sunday afternoon some of the old boys played golf, bowls, tennis or went running. The finale was the Reunion dinner once again at the Metropolitan Club. This was a major success with master of ceremonies Joe Anderson, being both entertaining and informative. Speakers Professor Dunbar, a first day pupil told of early days at Kings and how things had changed over the years while Rear Admiral Welch told of his time at Kings where he took a part in the Gilbert and Sullivan performance of HMS Pinafore and of his later career in the Navy. Many hilarious tales were recounted by the speakers. In all a most successful weekend. A credit to the organising committee.
1937 – 1940
1937 – 1940
Row 4: ???, ???,???,???, ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? Row 3: Jim McCready, ???,???,???,???,???,???, Jack Cain,???,Alec Luke,, ???,??? Row 2: ???,???, Tom Johnston, ???,??? ???, ??? , ???, Lin Rayner, ???, ???, ??? Row 1: ???, /?/ Bob Booth, ???, Doug Coombs, ???, ???,Ron Smith, ???,???, ???, ??? |
1941 – 1945
Row 4: ???,???,???,???,???,???,???,???,???, Noel Gillan, ??? Row 3: ???,???,???,???, Huia Ockwell, Ron Cain, ???,???,???,,???,??? Row 2: ???,???,???,???,???,???,???,???,???,???,???,???,??? Row 1: ???,???,???,???, Ian Page, |
1945 – 1950
Row 4: ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, Bob Hunter, ???, ???, ??? Row 3: Hugh Kidd, ???,???, ???,???, ???,???, ???, Bob Glass, ???,??? Row 2: ???,???, Derek Hughes, ???, ???, Alan Gillan, ???, ???, ///, ///, /// Row 1: ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, Graham Dalton, ???, ???, ???, ??? |
1951 – 1955
Row 4: ???,???,???,???,???, ???,???, Colin Nicholls,???, ???,???,???,???,???,???,??? Row 3: ???,???, ???,???,???, ??? , ???, ???, ???, ???, ??? ,???, ??? , ???, ???, ???,??? Row 2: ???,???,???,???,???,???,???, ???, ???,???,???,???,???,??? Row 1: Lindsay Hocking, ???, ???,???,???,???,???,???, Dave Ashton,???,???,???,???,???, Neville Madigan, Ian Simpson Sitting in front: ??? |
Row 4: Dick Maddren,???,Brian Boomer,???,? Brown, Grant Hedges, ???, ???,Selwyn Inglis, ??? Row 3: Adam Coxon, ???, Bill Harper, ???, John Fenby, John Kliem, Warwick Lakins, Trevor McKinlay, ??? Row 2: ???, Murray Facer, ???, ???, ???, Jim Strang,???, ???, Evan Taylor, Lyndon Adam, Kevon St John Row 1: Murraay Bell, Ken McGrath, ???, Errol Holland, Michael Andrewes, Jon Barr (Chairman), ???, Bill Evans, Murray Denholm, Morris White |
1960 0nwards
Row 4: ???,??? , ???, ???, ???, ???, Row 3: John Cushen,???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ??? Row 2: Ray spence, ???, ???, ???. Ken Harris,???, ???, ???, ???, ???, Chris George, ???, ???, ???, ??? Row 1: ???,???, ???, ???,???, ???, ???, Robert Mace, ???,???, ???, ???, ???, Jack Bremner, ???, ??? |
Row 3: George Munro, Bill Harper, John Barr, ???, John Cushen, Lindsay Hocking, Huia Ockwell, Dave Ashton, Dan McLean Row 2: Paul Aubin, Harry Salter, Jessie George, Margaret Barr, Jack Bremner, Tony Pelvin, Ian Simpson,Ian Hoskin Row 1:???, Heather Aubin, Jim McCready, Ian Page, Ray Familton, Ray Richards, ???, Adam Coxon, Clive Geary, Doug Lockhart |