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Home | About Us | The 2022 – 23 Committee | Presidents | Secretaries and Auditors | Treasurers and Registrars | Reunion Committees |
The Branches
Dunedin | Christchurch | Nelson | Wellington | Auckland |
The King’s High School Old Boys’ Association is an integral part of the school community.
The school is fortunate in the strength and vigour of the Old Boys’ Association. The Association, which has branches throughout New Zealand, supports the school in a great many ways.
The interest and generosity of the Old Boys continue to be a strong feature of the School.
If you attended King’s High School for one or more years, congratulations — you’re an old boy of the School and eligible to join the King’s High School Old Boys’ Association. We invite you to get involved. You’ll renew old friendships, make new ones and have fun, all the while supporting your school
Every pupil who has attended the school is entitled, and welcome, to apply for membership of this Association.
The objects of the Association are to support the School, to foster old boys continued interest in their old school, and to facilitate contact between old boys.
.King’s High School Old Boys’ Association, established 1939 believes that every old boy has something to contribute to his school and to others who have shared the King’s experience.
We support the school’s mission by promoting life-long learning and fostering community involvement. We support our members by providing opportunities for men to connect with each other and to the school, and by encouraging participation, sharing resources, celebrating traditions and building pride.
Here are some of the ways we carry out our mission:
• Gathering class information notes
• Welcoming senior students into the association
• Hosting and attending regional events
• Representing King’s in the community
• Encouraging Annual Fund participation
• Raising money to support special school projects