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Annual Dinner 2023

The Annual Dinner

This year’s Annual Dinner held on the 21st of July at the Chisholm Park Golf Club Clubhouse was rather special – it was attended by over 100 Kingsmen and partners. Wall of Fame Inductees, Athol Meder and Ivan Donaldson. Both Athol’s wife and Ivan’s wife were also in attendance. It was good to see John Sommerville from the Northshore/Hibiscus coast Kingsman Branch and Chris Herbert from the Wellington Branch present.

The highlight of the evening was the recognition of Ian Simpson’s work for King’s High School.  President Chris George made the introductory remarks followed by guest speakers, Mark and Chris Simpson (Ian’s sons), Graham Helm (Past Head Boy), Grant Robertson (Past Head Boy), Glen Denham (Past Head Boy), Paul O’Connor (Past Teacher) and Kelvin Maker (Former Pupil).  Glenn Denham couldn’t attend but sent a video of his recollections of Ian. Chris then presented Ian with an updated Kingsman Cap and a book of photographs covering Ian’s life.  Ian then read out the Kingsmen Dream Rugby as selected by the Dream Team Contest Panel. Graham Helm then announced the winner of the contest for selecting a team closest to that of the Panel. The winner was Bill Townsend (1954 – 1957).

You may view all of these events in the 7 videos below.

Click on the links below to view the videos:

Intro by Chris  George   

The Guest Speakers 

Paul O’Connor     

Glenn Denham (Video supplied)

Ian Simpson’s life in photographs  (Chris George)

The School Dream Rugby Team   

The Printout of the Dream Team (Graham Helm)

Dream Team contest Results

Ricky and Lauri Mains
Barbara and Geoff Anderson
 Ian Simpson.
Chris Herbert and Gary Turner
Ivan Donaldson and Alan Wright
Eion Willis
Neville Hall with Hec Browett
Athol Meder’s Sister Barbara with Grant Robertson
















This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club