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Cricket First Elevens

1930’s 1940’s 1950’s 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s 1990’s 2000’s 2010’s  2020’s



Standing: Mr Geary, M .. J. Deaker, D. E. McKechnie, P. C. Thomason, J. P. Butler, R. M. Walls.
Sitting: B. J. Boomer, D. G. Breese, R J. Elmes, W. A. Mason (Captain), R. J. Tregonning, T. G. Shaw.




v Southland Boys        draw      Southland 165    and 100 for 3 declared  ; Kings 105 and 88 for 5

v Waitaki Boys            win         Kings 85 and 201 (Mills 69);  Waitaki 124 (McKechnie 4 for 38) and 110 McDougal 5 for 20, McKechnie 4 for 38)

v OBHS                          draw      OBHS  119(McKechnie 4 for24) and 209 (Hislop 4 for 45) ; Kings 180 and 98




Cricket – 1961


Row 2: Mr. Clive Geary, Max B. Telfer, R. M. McDougall, A. A. R. Hislop, Russell J. Tregonning, D. Nigel. Oliphant, R. R. Mills.
Row 1: B. M. Walls, Murray J. B. Deaker, Denis G. Breese (Captain) B. W. Lucas, J. B. Kroon


v Southland Boys                draw         Southland 165 and 100 for 3 declared  ;   Kings  105  and 88 for 5

v Waitaki Boys                     win          Kings 85 and 201 (Mills 69) ; Waitaki 124 (McKechnie 5 for 22) and 110  (McDougall 5 for 20 McKechnie 4 for 38)

v OBHS                                 draw        OBHS 119 ( McKechnie 4 for 24)and 208 (Hislop 4 for 45)


1962 Cricket


Back Row: J. Kroon, R. Tregonning, A. Maskell, L. Adam, W. Wright, B. Simpson, R. Neilson (scorer), R. Lucas.

Front Row: Mr J. Wilson, R. Walls, A. Hislop, D. Breese (captain), M. Deaker, D. McKechnie, M. Telfer.


v Southland Boys        win    Kings 237 ((Deaker 70)  ; Southland 122 (McKechnie 5 for 34) and 86 (McKechnie 7 for 34)


1963 Cricket

No Photo


v Waitaki Boys  A tie.
• Waitaki 63 and 128
•  Kings 106 (M. Deaker 44) and 85 –

v OBHS   A loss
•OBHS   198 and 4/34
•KIngs       98 and 133

v Southland Boys  A win
•Southland        77 (M. Muir 5/17)and 86
•Kings               118 and 3/51

v Shirley Boys      A draw

Shirley     150 (Maskell 6/42) and 9/245

Kings        215 (I.D. Morrison 89) and
1964 Cricket


Row 3: J. Mc Donald, E Stanway, L. Mains

Row 2: B. Davidson, R. Tomlinson, K. Lees, B. Wishart, Mr. John Wilson

Row 1: R. Mason, M. Muir, G. Maskell (Captain),I. Morrison, J. Ferrier


v OBHS      A win
•OBHS    147 (M.Muir 5/45) and 2/165 dec (D.Breeze 61)
•Kings    148 (E Taylor not out 63) and 3/167

v Waitaki Boys  A draw
•Waitaki  161(L.Adam 6/60) and 153
•Kings      135 and 126 for 6 wkts

v Shirley Boys    A win
•Shirley 133 (Maskill 6/ 52) and 149 (McDonald 7/31)
•Kings    143 and 202





Row 2: Mr. Huggett, W. Kindley, P. Ashton, J. Innes, B. Johnston, S. Melville, J. Cushen

Row 1: B Wishart, M.H. Muir, J. McDonald, K. Lees(Captain), R. Mason, B. Davidson


v Waitaki Boys   A draw
•Waitaki    136 (J. McDonald 4/43) and 0/29
•Kings        177 (K.Lees 55. E. Stanway 54) and 3/109 declared (G. Maskell 50)

V OBHS             A draw

OBHS       6/156 declared

Kings       86 and 71

v Shirley Boys           A draw

Kings       86 and 71

Shirley 6/156

v Southland Boys          A draw

Southland   106 and 59

Kings          106  and 6/42






1967 Cricket


Row 2: Mr. J. Huggett, D. Brady, S. Melville, K. Pearson, J. Innes, R. Paterson, J. Cushen

Row 1: A. Taylor, P. Merritt, M. Muir, W. Lees, W. Someville


v Waitaki Boys     A draw
•Waitaki    112 (Cushen 5/48) and 7/156 declared
•Kings        121 and 5/69 at stumps

v OBHS        A loss by 8 wckets
•KIngs  53 and 122
•OBHS   86 (McDonald 7/38) and 93

v Shirley Boys   A draw
•Shirley     114 (Cushen 5/16) and 110 for 7 at stumps (Taylor 7/16)
•Kings       185 (Lees 53) and 6/129 declared

v Southland Boys     A draw
•Southland    160 (Cushen 5/42) and 113 for 7 declared
•Kings           151 (Muir 59) and 6 wickets for 100 at stumps
1968 Cricket


Row 2: Mr. T.F.C. Geary, R.G. Munro, J. Smith, B. Osborne, M. Duffy, D. Campbell, R. Fenton

Row 1: P. Facoory, K. McDonald, W. Lees (Captain), P. Merritt, E. Willis


v Waitaki Boys  A draw
•Waitaki    141 (Cushen 6/35) and 281 for 5
•Kings        258 (Melville 74)

v OBHS       A draw
•Kings    171 and 6/93
•OBHS    121 and 0/22

V Shirley    A win
•Kings    329 (Brady 153, Lees136)
•Shirley  137 (McDonald 5/52) and 80

v Southland       A Draw – rain
•Kings                  86
•Southland           90





Row 2: E.M. Willis, S.B. Heal, C.J. Graham, G.T. cushen, O.R.S. Cambridge, P.R. Facoory

Row 1: P.R. Merritt, R.R. Ayers, W.K. Lees, Mr. T.F.C. Geary, K.I. McDonald, L.G. McAlevy, M.D. Weatherston


v Waitaki Boys       A draw – rain
•Waitaki 196 and 1/54
•Kings 167 (Facoory 96)

v OBHS        A draw
•Kings              144 and 103
•OBHS              252

v Southland Boys   A draw
•Kings                      153 (Lees 57) and 119  (Facoory 71)
•Southland               97 and 5 for 125
1930’s 1940’s 1950’s 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s 1990’s 2000’s 2010’s  2020’s

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club