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Four major Reunions have been held.
a) Silver Jubilee – Easter 1961
The official registration of ex-pupils and staff were 430.
The 25th was organised by the Association Committee with Conveners for specific functions and services.
The principal office bearers being:
Chairman: R. W. (Ron) Smith (I 937-41)
Secretary: C. G. (Colin) McKay (1951-56)
Treasurer: R. J. B. (Bob) Glass (1948-52)
Registrar: J. M. (Jim) McCreadie (1937-40)
A history of King’s High School was produced covering 1936- 61. T. F C. (Clive) Geary was the Editor with a Publication’s Committee.
b) Golden Jubilee – Easter 1986
The 50th was a large reunion with 680 registrations of ex¬pupils and staff, etc.
It was organised by a separate committee from the Association’s executive, with sub-committees.
The principal office bearers were as follows:
Chairman: J. A. (Jim) Valentine (1936-38)
Secretary: W. J. (Bill) Tomkins (1949-53)
Treasurer: C. W. (Colin) Nicholls (1955-59)
Registrar: J.M. (Jim) McCready (1937-40)
A further history was produced with Jim McCready as Editor with a Publications Committee.
c) 60th Anniversary – Queens Birthday Weekend June 1996
This was organised by the Association Committee with others enlisted.
Chairman: J. D. (John) Barr (1957-62)
Convenor: R. J.B. (Bob) Glass (1948-72)
Socials’ Chairman: W. J. (Bill) Townsend (1954-57)
Secretary: K. J. (Kevin) St John (1957- 62)
Treasurer: A. J. (Allan) Rennie (I931-40)
Registrar: G. A. H (Hugh) Kidd (1950-54)
With the special Golden Jubilee having been held only ten years before the registrations were lower at 410.
d) 75th Reunion – Labour Weekend October 2010
This occasion was again organised by the Association Committee with others enlisted.
Registrations numbered: 445.
Chairman and Master of ceremonies: J. D. (John) Barr (1957-62)
Joint Events Convenor: W.N.(Warwick) Larkins (1960-63)
Treasurer and Joint Events: Convenor C. D. (Doug) Jackson (1960-63)
Secretary: D. H. (David) Horne (I 954-58)
Registrar: G. A. H. (Hugh) Kidd (1950-54)
Registration numbers above do not include partners. Partners were able to attend some or all of the functions depending upon facility capacity.
25th Reunion | 50th Reunion |
60th Reunion | 75th Reunion |
Annual General Meetings
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | |||||||
Annual Dinners
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | ||
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |
2015 | ||||