The senior school farewelled Mr Stephen Anderson as he concluded more than seven years of fantastic service at King’s. In his address to the students Mr Anderson spoke of the developments in the school during his time and encouraged the boys to continue to strive to be their best.
Mr Anderson has taught Physics and Mathematics at King’s and has been renowned for his knowledge, his enthusiasm, his love of and capability with Information Technology and his ability to give students the necessary skills and understanding to excel in NCEA and Scholarship examinations.
While we will miss Mr Anderson, we are thankful for his significant contributions in the classroom and beyond it. We also acknowledge his heart for others and his desire to make a difference in the lives of people less fortunate than himself. It is this desire, as well as his love for India, that sees him heading to Northern India to teach.
We wish Mr Anderson all the best in his travels and endeavours beyond King’s.
From the 2017 School Magazine
Mr Anderson joined the staff at the beginning of 2009 and has applied his considerable skills in the Science and Physics fields with great success: The number of boys choosing Physics has increased substantially while Physics has secured the second largest number of scholarships in the school since 2009. Mr Anderson was particularly good with IT and was always willing to flirt with a variety of teaching methods to maximise student outcomes. He involved .htmselt in the co-curricular life of school with great contributions in football and athletics. His was a great contnbution that spanned nearly eight years.
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