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AUBIN, Marie Rose [Mrs]

1973 – 1987


From the 1967 School Magazine

Marie Aubin’s association with Kings goes back to 1969, four years before she joined the staff, when her late night food kept many staff going during long vigils following events on foreign football fields.

In 1973, though, she joined the staff, part-time until 1976 while her family was still young, and taught mainly English and Social Studies. This was a time of great changes in education and at King’s; more responsibility for his own education was being placed on the individual; prefects, uniforms, corporal punishment, adult students, evening classes and moves towards our own board were all issues in which Mrs Aubin played her full part.

In 1977 she became a full-time staff member and took a share in teacher-librarian duties. It was during this time that her long- term interest in reading recovery was employed to the benefit of many boys; Mrs Aubin introduced and taught Otago Certificate English for some years.

A spell in charge of ‘Careers’ in 1982 was broken the following year when she took charge of the Geography Department, a position she has held until now.

Mrs Aubin is chairperson of the Otago Geography Teachers Association and has been active in this association for a number of years. She was a resource teacher last year in Geography, which meant that teachers could call on her to help implement the new syllabus or give advice on other related matters,

Her contribution apart from these has been widespread. Mrs Aubin was a long-standing member of the Gala Day committee, she has collected, polished and handed-out the sports trophies at prize-givings every year, created displays on various topics at open evenings, she represents the Rector on the School Council, assists with. the organisation of school formals and is the school’s first Health Education Co¬ordinator. In all of these tasks her commitment has been a total and sustained one, and it will not readily be replaced.

In recent years her community involvement has included executive membership of the Southern Opera Ensemble, Federation of University Women and National Council of Women.

To The Taieri High School

In 1995 Marie was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) .

Civil Division Mrs Marie Rose Aubin – of Dunedin. For services to education and the community.

he was a member of the New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women (NZFGW)



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