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1990 –

Born and raised within earshot of the surf at 90 Mile Beach, trained at the Central Institute of Technology in Wellington and finally working in Dunedin exhibits Jo Brownlie’s progressively southern pilgrimage.

Jo joined King’s towards the end of 1990 as an occupational therapist. This is one of three new positions related to King’s ongoing commitment to Special Education.

Traditionally occupational therapists assisted people with purely physical difficulties to achieve their maximum level of ability. But Jo sees this view as too narrow. “It is not just practical independence that we strive to achieve for the individual but encouragement of psycho-social development as well. This integrated approach raises their self-esteem and confidence. Although these objectives are the same as a psychologist’s, the method of achieving them is quite different. Activity – actually doing things is to an 0. T. the key to this success.”

Jo presently works on a one to one basis with the special needs students but sees no reason why this approach could not be expanded to include other needy students.

Perhaps harking back to her own childhood, Jo lives out of town by the sea and walking the beach with her two sons and dog is a relaxing pastime. Jo likes to maintain a basic level of fitness so if not sewing, reading or gardening may well be found at the gym doing a few weights, circuits or aerobics.

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This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club