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HOD Catering 1995 – 2013

From the 2014 School Magazine

Iain came to King’s High School in 1988. He built the Catering Department into a highly performing and functioning unit. The most popular courses in the Senior school for many years were the ?ro Cooking” (Year 13) and Food and Nutrition” (Years 11 and 12).
The catering boys would, as a part of their course, serve teachers a full 3 course meal on a Friday at lunchtime, which proved immensely popular. The Catering Department is famous in the lower South Island for the legendary afternoon teas and lunches provided for a huge number of interschool events.
lain was committed to King’s and produced banquets on many occasions for staff – report evenings being the most common but, also end of term or end of year functions also. He would also make the Catering Suite (plus all the equipment) available for the (seemingly) endless Cheese-Roll making fundraisers, as well as cutting up various animals from time to time, including a number of young deer for one particular venture.
His passion for King’s extended well past the teaching, and he was a manager for rugby for a number of years, including a stint with the 1st XV, of which he was very proud. He also was Trapshooting at King’s for many years, and this was a real passion for both him and the boys who shot for him. While he was quite happy to rub a bit of salt into the wounds of those who crossed him, the same could not be said about his food (he did not add salt to anything).
It must also remembered that lain was not only a Dean, but acted as Super Dean for many years. His organisational skills and attention to detail were exceptional. He was dedicated to the boys not only in his classes but to those he came across day by day. They will remember him fondly.
His love of cars and motorbikes was often one of the topics on the agenda of all the senior boys who used to use ~1 as their coffee room/common room. This was where a number of pranks were hatched before the seniors last day, as well as a number of the world’s problems solved. It was this passion for motors that has led him to his change of career, and we thank him for the time, effort and passion he has given to King’s, and wish him all the best for the future.

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