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1977 – 1987


Alan Clark doing what he loves – driving his horses

Alan Clark resigned from teaching at the end of the first term. This wasn’t due to a lack of interest in teaching (which he intends to return to) but a desire to make himself a “few more dollars”.

To this end he has several irons in the fire including horse training and a protective coating spraying business, plus some relief teaching on the wet days He enjoys the challenge and likes to be able to organise his time his way.

Alan taught economic studies and accounting with much success. This organisation and preparedness earned him respect from staff and pupils alike. He had to be organised because away from school he was, among other achievements, the warden at Arana Hall (a student hall of residence), a house builder (at Brighton, and he is now renovating his place on the Taieri Plains) and a softballer for Otago.

He has indulged his love of horses and has a couple of good ones coming through now (there’s a tip straight from the horses mouth); Z7 acres on the Taieri helps the training somewhat no longer is it four o’clock in the morning at low tide out on Brighton Beach to train them.

Alan enjoyed the school, taking softball for several years and organising Junior Workday amongst other functions. He also enjoyed the staff and keeps in regular contact still with many of them.


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This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club