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1982 – 1985    Deputy Rector

From the 1985 School Magazine

Just before labour Weekend Mr Henderson was appointed to the position of Rector of Walmate High School from the start of Term 1 1986.

He described his appointment as a ‘Different Challenge’. Waimate is 40 kilometres south of Timaru and is in a well-established farming community; population 3400. Waimate High School is a coeducational school with 600 pupils. It is a form 1 to 7 school which is a concept he agrees with. Waimate High School is a well-equipped school with features like fives courts, a swimming pool and carpets on the floor of some classrooms.

King’s will be deeply affected by the loss of Mr Henderson as he is a per son who is heavily involved in the day to day running of the school. He has been at King’s for four years, having previously been at Fiordland College (Te Anau) and Gore High School.       Mr Henderson has put in many an hour of overtime, from which the school has benefitted greatly. He re marked about his time at King’s as ‘rewarding’ and his message for the pupils is that a school Will be more rewarding for those who become involved in it!

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