HUTTON Ann Marie [Miss]
1983 –
To Otago Girls High School as HOD Mathematics
From the 1996 School Magazine
The reluctant and the addicted, from third form to seventh, both strugglers and high¬flyers, all have gained confidence and progressed under the fastest talking maths teacher in the West. Maths is her interest as well as her job, and she has been able to share this interest with pupils. She actually does maths puzzles for fun, attends conferences in the holidays.
Her maths teaching skills have been recognised beyond the school, first by her being asked to take Teachers College students, and last year As head of junior maths, she has given invaluable help to her colleagues.
At the Sports Awards Evening Mr Simpson mentioned that it was the 15th consecutive such occasion that Ann-Marie had attended. In fact it is difficult to think of any facet of school life to which she has not given committed support. She has coached cricket, managed chess, mathletics and basketball teams, attended junior dances and formals, camped at Berwick and Tautuku, helped with musicals, been Women’s officer for PPTA, served on the Curriculum Committee and been head of the staff social committee.
As a group teacher she again put in that extra something, and ex-members of HHu can look back on many special things they did. Only reluctantly did she relinquished her group when invited to become Dean of Windsor House.
One of the nicest things about Anne-Marie is her very real affection for her pupils – her frequent comment when someone’s name is mentioned (yes, boys, we do talk about you in the staff-room!) is “He’s a lovely boy”. She believes the best of everyone, though some of us detect a bias towards anyone who is or has been in her house, form, group, maths class, cricket or basketball team – which makes an awful lot of people her particular favourites!