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2000 – 2018

2000  Assistant HOD Mathematics

2007 HOD Mathematics


From the 2018 School Magazine

Mr Eric McAuslan started his sojourn at King’s in 2000 being appointed as the Assistant Head of Mathematics having left East Otago for the greener pastures of Dunedin. He immediately fitted into the King’s culture. His slightly relaxed but caring approach and his significant mathematical ability gained him the respect and admiration of the students. Mr McAuslan was an active participant in co-curricular life. He was a cricket player/coach of repute and success, a golf maestro and a sublime football manager. He ventured off-shore on several sporting forays with school teams.

The last 11 years of his career he has effectively fulfilled the role of Head of Mathematics. He has put together a cohesive and capable team who continually perform with distinction. Mr McAuslan has an easy going and affable nature that made him a key part of the staff group. He will be greatly missed and we are certain the golf courses will take a pounding once he embraces retirement in its totality.

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