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Marius-Minnaar Minnaarb


HOD Music

– 2014

From the 2014 School Magazine

When Marius arrived he was greeted with exceptional warmth. At last, a music teacher who could play the piano. Marius’ journey from South Africa to King’s High could fill a book. He had lived the problems we had only read about. But these were not dwelt on – indeed he threw himself into the work with the Music Department with great enthusiasm. He had to really; the school production was already underway
and Marius was certainly thrown in the deep end. He responded magnificiently; and by the time it was over it felt like he had been a part of the school forever.
School productions were a major part of his life; he not only was the musical director for King’s, but also for the Queen’s productions as well. The highlight of this aspect of his work was the 2008 production ofLes Miserable. He had many music colleagues questioning the wisdom of such a large project, especially a school production. In response Marius gathered together an orchestra of boys and girls and proceeded to create a magical performance night after night. He told all who would listen of the satisfaction of those times.
The untold hours that a Music teacher puts in are well known. Classes, after school and night-time rehearsals for Jazz bands, Orchestras, Productions, Choirs, Stage Challenge – the list is endless. All these Marius handled with ease. It was lucky his children were at King’s and Queens’, otherwise they may never have known who he was.
For Marius, it was always about the boy and the music. There were so many “stars” who were given the Minnaar touch. From Jannie Blair, to Lima Manu to Jake Cropley. Like the rest of us they owe a huge debt to the talent and humanity of Marius. He is already missed.


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