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SWAIN, Terry

1990 – 1999


Alhambra Union winger Terry Swain fends off the Dunedin tackler in an early season match at Carisbrook last year. Terry later played for the Otago Maoris side which defeated Southland Maoris for the Ratana Cup but says, “I might flag rugby for 1991 “, citing his several injuries as part of the reason.

Terry accepted the position of maths and computer studies teacher at King’s after hearing that it was a great School from other teacher trainees who had been here.
In this, his first appointment, Terry has involved himself in coaching the Under 15 Leopards and took the squash team to Nationals in what he describes as a “great trip”.
Terry wanted to start his teaching career at a single sex school and looks forward to broadening his involvement into other sports and “a few other things” – such as drama productions!

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