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2022 -23 Committee

President: Chris George (1978–82)

Hi – my name’s Chris George. I’m currently the President of the Kingsmen.
I’m a prosecutor with the New Zealand Police and am a born and bred Dunedin man.
Most importantly I’m a proud Kings man. My Dad (Ted) went to Kings as did my three brothers, Neil, Robert and Alister.

I attended school from 1978 – 1982, had a fair to middling academic career there, played a few games for the first XV, and managed to get the cane only once (from Lucy Lockhart!)
Some of my best mates were met at school, and our rugby ability only gets better with the passing years! (Yes, I’m talking about you Mark Scott and Neil Seaton!).
I’m enjoying my time on the Kingsmen and hope you too will enjoy reconnecting with some of your old school mates.

Past President: Doug Jackson (1960–63)

Vice President: Grant Howie (1978–82)

Secretary: Rose Johnston

Treasurer: Target Accounting – Assisted by Doug Jackson


Glenn Dickson (2000–04, Staff 2019-)
Graham Helm (1979–82)
Graham Helm is an executive broker at Crombie Lockwood (NZ) Limited, a Gallagher Company, which provides local advice on commercial and personal insurance. He is based in Dunedin, a city in the Otago region of New Zealand’s South Island. He has been working at Crombie Lockwood since 1989 and has been a branch manager for corporate clients². He is also associated with 16 or more companies in various industries, such as property investments, dairy farming, and moulding.

Hugh Kidd (1950–54)
Bradley Scott (1993–97, Staff 2014–)
Mark Scott (1979–82)
Mack Stephens (1952–56)
John Barr (1957–62, Staff 1971–2008),

Sub Committees:
Kingsmen: John Barr (1957–62, Staff 1971–2008), Chris George (1978–82)
Website and Facebook Page: John Barr (1957–62, Staff 1971–2008)

Chris Herbert (1978-1982)
T: 021 227 2376


Alan Malcolmson
T: 021 713 261
E: malcolmson@gmail.com

North Shore/Hibiscus Coast
John Somerville (1950–54) Apt 114, Rosedale, Bupa Hugh
Green Village, 105 Apollo Drive, Auckland 0632.
Email: tonyjaw@xtra.co.nz
Grahame Howley (1951–53) Apartment 1408,
The Poynton, 142 Shakespeare Rd, Takapuna 0622.
Email: howleygh@gmail.co

This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club