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Treasurers and Registrars

Home  About Us Presidents Secretaries and Auditors Treasurers and Registrars Reunion Committees
 Treasurers At King’s High School
1939 1941 T. J. (Tommy) Anderson 1936-36
1942-1943 In Abeyance
1944 M. R. (Ray) Carson 1937-39
1945 1947 H. J. D. (Harry) Scrymgeour 1941-42
1948-1952 J. A. (Allan) Brighting 1936-38
1953-1954 A. C. (Allan) Wilkinson 1944-48
1955 K. J. (Ken) Fahey 1951-51
1956-1958 R. J. B. (Bob) Glass 1948-52
1959-1961 R. J. (Ron) Smith 1951-54
1962-1963 P. J. (Peter) Montgomery 1956-60
1964 R. L. M. (Roger) Dunbar 1956-59
1965-1966 L. J. (Lindsay) Brown 1956-60
1967-1970 L. L. F. (Les) Waugh 1957-61
1970-1971 C. D. (Doug) Jackson 1960-63
1972-1980 F. E. (Frank) Stent 1960-64
1981-1986 J. H. (John) Kilpatrick 1974-78
1987 Mac Stephens ]952-56
1987-2014 R. J. B. (Bob) Glass 1948-52
2015 C. D. (Doug) Jackson 1960-63
& Bob Glass 1948-52
2016-2017 M. L (Murray) Patterson 1962-65
& Bob Glass 1948-52
2018 Cohn) Nicholls 1955-59
Murray Patterson 1962 65
2019 Colin· Nicholls 1955-59
& Doug Jackson 1960-63
2020 Doug Jackson 1960-63
· Target Accounting


1962-1986 J.M. (Jim) McCready


1987- G. A. H. (Hugh) Kidd


This site has been supported by the Eastern Dunedin Charity Club