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2021 Wall of Fame
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Craig Scott, Chris George, Ben Smith | Craig Scott, Nick McIvor, ? | Nick McIvor, Mark Sinclair, Craig Scott, Ben Smith |
On leaving school, Joe chose to study Law at the University of Otago. In those days Law Students studied full-time for two years, then studied part-time while working in a Law Office. He attended the early morning and early evening classes, getting there mainly by bicycle. He worked for his father’s firm Webb, Allan, Walker & Anderson, and was admitted to the bar on the morning of February 14, 1956, before marrying Lee in the afternoon. He continued working for the firm, doing court work, and advisory work for the local authorities throughout Otago and Southland on planning matters. He eventually moved to Mosgiel to help run their office there.
In 1970 Joe was approached by J.D. Murray, the Stipendiary Magistrate (S.M. as judges were termed then) to consider coming on to the bench, but he declined the offer, feeling that he was to young. Two years later he was again approached and decided to accept thereby becoming one of youngest S.Ms to be appointed (nowadays aspiring judges apply for such a position).
As a judge was not allowed to serve on the bench where he had previously practised so Invercargill and its court became home. Joe served on the bench from 1972-1990, much of that time as a sole judge travelling throughout Southland and to Queenstown for court sittings. He was known and respected as a no-nonsense judge, a refreshing flair to his game and is a true and genuine sportsman. at one time termed “Smokin Joe” – testament to the summary justice he dispensed!
On retiring from the bench Joe worked on a temporary warrant travelling throughout New Zealand and then served on the Parole Board for a time before becoming fully retired.
When Joe left school, he had joined the Territorial Army, and progressed through the ranks to become Lieutenant-Colonel of the 4th Otago and Southland Battalion. At their 150-year celebrations in 2010, by then Honorary Colonel Joe, he extolled the virtues of the former Compulsory Military Training (CMT)
Scheme for its character building (which he believed had to be taught) and lamented the scheme’s demise (while acknowledging its expense). He also chaired the panel which chose Rugby Southland’s new board and received the Rotary Paul Harris Fellowship Awards for his community and legal services. Widely respected for his integrity, Joe is the epitome of the true Southern Man.
In 1971 ‘Smiley’ won the Loxene Golden Disc Award and reached No.3 on the charts, while other hit singles included, ‘Let’s get a Little Sentimental’, ‘Ciao Baby’, ‘When Jojo Runs’ and ‘Wind and Rain’. In 1972 he was named NZ Entertainer of the Year.
He played concerts attended by thousands of screaming fans and produced singles, EP Recordings, albums, CD’s, and videos. His manager had the ability to read the market and the artist had excellent arrangers, an engineer and a lot of good people around him.
But all good things come to an end: in 1974 Happen Inn was cancelled and Craig’s popularity began to wane as his visibility declined and by 1977, he felt that he had done all that he could in New Zealand. He was philosophical and pragmatic about his situation: Craig could have gone overseas (to Australia?) to repeat it all again, but with no guarantee of success, and by then he was married to Jo and they had started a family. He had spent some four years as NZ’s number one teen heart throb!
So, Craig became a music promoter, offering sage advice to future entertainers such as “get a good manager, a good lawyer, and a good accountant”. He further recommended that they took as much interest in the other side of the business as they did the creative side; that they enjoy every moment for success could be fleeting and to be kind to people around them especially on the way up, for they would surely meet them all again on the way back down!
He then started NZ’s first video rental business in Auckland before managing Warner Brothers Video NZ for some 15 years. Around the year 2000, he and Jo moved back to Dunedin and set up a property renovating business Scott & Scott Design. More recently they shifted to Arrowtown where they qualified as Real Estate Agents while working for Ray White: recently they joined Bayley’s.
But this is not the end of Craig’s story. In 2007, members of the former Dunedin rock band Luthan decided that after 34 years in retirement, they might stage a reunion. This was potentially disastrous for only one of them was still a musician, and only one was a resident in Dunedin: the others were widely dispersed in NZ and even in Australia, which would inhibit both practising and rehearsing. Fitness might also be a problem! So, they called for the help of “friends” (who were similarly widely dispersed). Several of both the band and the ‘friends’ had been to King’s together, and Craig, despite not having appeared on stage for nearly 30 years responded to the appeal of a lifelong mate! Despite all these potential difficulties, Luthan & Friends provided a fitting finale to the Dunedin Heritage Festival and played to a capacity (and unlikely!) audience comprising parents, siblings, grown-up offspring (who had never seen their parents perform!), former schoolmates and pupils from both King’s and Queen’s and former neighbours.
Craig demonstrated that he still retained his former charisma even if he had to read the words of some of his lyrics! The ODT reviewer claimed that “the reunion gig was some party, we were lucky enough to be invited to!”
Craig, it is our privilege to recognise you and your achievements in Music, and to offer you these items as a token of the high regard in which you are held, in the school and Old Boys’ community
In the late 1960’s Graham became heavily involved in the Jaycee Movement and was elected NZ president; after a year working nationally, he became World President in 1971 and travelled dozens of countries to publicise the significant community work which Jaycee International was undertaking around the globe. As his Ashburton law practice grew, Graham became increasingly involved in community affairs, including serving as the local Coroner, and as chair of the local hospital board. The family moved into a sizeable but somewhat run-down house in suburban Tinwald, which he renovated to become the family home for nearly 20 years, and the venue for social occasions with the staff of the organisations with which he had become involved. However, before they had owned any other property, in 1963 the Sinclair’s had purchased a section in Wanaka, initially to park the caravan and subsequently on which to build and from where Graham, who was a keen private pilot, could commute to Ashburton for summer weekdays. In 1978 the Sinclair’s moved permanently to Wanaka, once there, along with other like-minded business associates, notable the Wallis Brothers, they purchased the Treble Cone Ski Field, then merely a club field maintained by local enthusiasts. Graham provided his legal skills and business acumen and used his family to provide the physical labour to develop the ski field which soon had a chairlift, a snow groomer and the modern facilities required. As well as marketing the venue nationally, he travelled to North America seeking advice and ideas: ultimately the US Ski Team was training there during their off season!
As Treble Cone matured in the late 1980’s, it became the catalyst for various other companies involving aviation, farming, the environment and the community, a notable example being The Helicopter Line. Companies House records 147 entries bearing Graham’s name and he was also committed to the community via pro bono work, charitable trusts and foundations, school, and hospital boards: indeed, he acted as a trustee for the King’s High School Old Boys’ Association fundraising ventures. Graham was involved in dozens of more private businesses while expanding his own: as well as Nichol, Sinclair, Cooney & Co in Ashburton. He pulled together three established Dunedin law firms to form Gallaway, Haggitt & Sinclair. In 2002 Graham was awarded Member of the NZ Order of Merit (MNZM) for services to business and the community.
When reflecting on his career, Graham regarded his seven years with Kai Tahu as his most fulfilling work, where he was a Director, Chairman and briefly even CEO of Ngai Tahu Holdings. In a note to his family a Kaiwhakahaere (executive) commented on how he was part of the team which established their sound commercial structure, ensured their profit-able investments and for the astute, professional, competence which he brought to their decision making.
Above all, Graham was a devoted family man who enjoyed participating in their lives: he admitted two Granddaughters to the bar. Alongside Helen, he enjoyed watching his grandchildren and great grand children growing up around them.